Mary's tone became dry again. "I know. You've told me a zillion times. But ... Oh, what's the use? Did you call me to get my opinion or to tell me you're going to take the job? It sounds like you've already made up your mind."

"I know. It's just that it sounds so right. You can't imagine how I've missed the country. I hate it in town, and the diner is so...boring. Besides, this way I can save some money. The way things are going now, I'm lucky to save ten dollars a week."

"How many times have I offered to let you stay with me - free? Even if you paid me half my rent, you could still save money."

"I know, and I appreciate your offer. But that's a good way to ruin a terrific friendship. We've been all through this a zillion times."

Silence again.


"I'm still here. You'd better give this some serious thought. I know you're attracted to him, but..."

"The only thing I'm attracted to is his job offer - and the idea of getting out of this gossipy little town."

"Whatever. Just think it over and don't jump into something you might live to regret."

For the next week Cynthia listened to - and even found herself instigating - discussions about Mr. Cade. When picking up her mail at the post office, she often talked to Adrena. Being the only postal employee in a small town, the petite extrovert was always ready for conversation. She had an opinion about everything - and an uncanny habit of being right.

"Nothing today," Adrena said as Cynthia dug in her purse for the box key.

"Again" Cynthia sighed, abandoning her search. "How are things going today?"

"Same old same old. How about you?"

"Nothing much - as usual."

"You ought to go out once in a while. People are starting to wonder if you don't like them."

Adrena never minced words. Cynthia shrugged.

"You know how I am."

"Yeah," Adrena snickered. "Not much better than the hermit. At least he's coming to town regular now - regular for him."

"He does seem a bit reclusive." Cynthia responded, focusing her attention on a speck of dirt on the counter. "I don't know much about him."

Adrena's laugh was short and humorless. "You haven't missed much."

Cynthia looked up at Adrena. "Do you know him?"

Adrena rolled her eyes. "Nobody knows Russell Cade. Do you remember that rumor in school? Oh yeah, you weren't around here then. I never believed it anyway. I figured his sister started it because she was jealous of him. I guess his stepfather thought more of him than her. After she got married and moved to Colorado the family information stopped - if you know what I mean. He comes in now and then to get things, but don't talk much." Adrena grinned. "Kind of like you."

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