Cynthia spotted him as he crossed the living room and started down the hall, his boot heels clicking sharply on the hardwood floor. She dashed on bare feet to intercept him, snaring him with an index finger in the back of his belt. He stopped abruptly and turned, his expression clearly startled until he realized it was her. His face softened into a smile that invaded his eyes.


She put a finger to her lips "Sh-h-h"

He slipped an arm around her waist as she came up beside him and whispered. "Is he asleep?"

She nodded, hugging his lean waist until they had to let go at the bedroom door.

Together, they tiptoed across the hardwood floor and stood proudly looking down Zach.

"Zachary Russell Cade," he said softly with wonder for what must have been the hundredth time.

Zach stirred and yawned, the tiny hands opening in a stretch. His arms barely reached his ears.

Cade kneeled beside the cradle and touched a blue crocheted bootie. "What's this?"

"I hope you don't mind. I thought she would have wanted him to wear them."


He glanced up at her, his expression unreadable. "I suppose so."

Zach squirmed and made soft baby noises. Cade gently slipped his hands under the infant and lifted him as though he were made of parchment paper. For a moment he held Zach, body in one hand and head cradled in the other. His features softened as he gazed down at the tiny form. "I wish she could have seen this." As he continued to watch Zach, his expression molded into unmistakable awe.

Zach jerked suddenly, knocking his cap off and exposing a scalp full of red hair. Cade looked up at Cynthia, his expression alarmed. "What did I do?"

Cynthia reached down and pulled the cap back on his head. "He does that every once in a while. He doesn't have complete control of his muscles yet."

Cade stood, gently tucking Zack into the crook of his arm. Zach snuggled against him, turning his head and opening his tiny mouth in search of food.

"Here now." Cade's tone was a little startled and a lot amused. He turned to Cynthia, awkwardly shifting him around so she could take him. "I think he's hungry."

Cynthia gathered him into her arms and sat down on the bed. Cade watched as she unbuttoned her blouse and began feeding him.

"Your lunch is on the table," she said.

"I know. I saw it." He made no move to leave.

"I think it's about time to move him from his cradle to his crib." She mused.

"What's the hurry?" His tone sounded a little alarmed, and she glanced up at him. His expression was bland.

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