"Stay here?" Cynthia gasped. "You're the one who told me I shouldn't come out here in the first place. Or is it because now I have nothing to lose?"

"It's because you have everything to lose." Mary answered quickly.

"Every day I stay in this house I degrade myself further. He doesn't want to marry me."

"Why should he? He has everything he could want, without the commitment." She ignored Cynthia's horrified gasp. "Don't look at the past so negatively. You've gained some valuable experience about how things can get out of control so quickly. You can run away from him, stay in the same relationship, or set your foot down and get things back into control. Which way do you think will help you regain your dignity?" A short pause, then: "Of course, it's your decision. You're welcome here no matter what - just pack up and come over. But think about what I said, OK?"

And so it was that Cynthia decided to stay on the ranch. Things returned to normal - almost. Except now there was a strain on their relationship. It was obvious that Cade couldn't understand her sudden change of behavior, but he made no further attempts to seduce her. She couldn't say he was less attentive - on the contrary. Maybe he knew he was about to lose a good housekeeper. Maybe he realized their relationship was immoral. Whatever the case, he kept his distance. That created another problem. If he refrained from making advances, how could she know if she was capable of resisting him? But then, hadn't she already done so when he tried to kiss her at the sink two weeks ago? Had it been that long since she talked to Mary? Tonight she would have to call her - after she and Cade returned from their ride.

This time they started out heading west, into a maze of arroyos and low brush. Occasionally they ran across small herds of cattle and she began to realize how large his ranch actually was. No wonder Cade was gone all the time. She glanced at him as he rode beside her.

"Why don't you drive out here with your truck? You could cover more area that way."

He nodded. "Sometimes I do, but most of the time it's simply impractical. I'd travel so far and then I would be stopped by a gully or a creek. If I didn't bring a horse or something, I'd be afoot from then on."


"But you could put an ATV in the back of your truck."

"I know." They rode in silence for a few minutes and finally he looked up. His lips twisted into a wry smile. "I know people think I'm crazy, but I'd like to keep the ranch as near its natural state as possible. I'm not opposed to technology, I simply enjoy the work." He turned his horse and beckoned for her to follow. "Come here. I'll show you something. I think you're one of the few people who would truly appreciate it."

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