Her bare feet made no noise as she moved across the room toward him, so when she reached his side he glanced up sharply. He let his breath out slowly.

"You startled me."

"I'm sorry. I was just... well, the storm was so violent, and it was so cold."

He glanced at the blanket. "Make sure you don't get any sparks on that thing." He turned his attention to the fire and tucked another piece of bark into the bright coals. His bare shoulders glistened in the flickering firelight. He wore only pajama bottoms, his feet bare as well.

She clutched the blanket under her chin and shivered. That was when she noticed the chill bumps on his arm. He wasn't about to let on that he was also cold. She scooted closer to him, shifting the blanket so that she could drape the excess around his shoulders.

He glanced at her and declined the blanket. "I'm fine. Why don't you curl up on the couch and get your bare feet off this cold floor?"

Feeling rejected, she nodded and moved to the couch. She sat on her feet and huddled under the blanket, watching the flames grow. Maybe the stories were true. Maybe she and Mary were merely his friends. Maybe that was why Mary seemed so concerned that she would become romantically involved with Cade. It would certainly explain Cade's actions. Was he confused - alone and fighting a desire he detested?

Cade finally left the fire and sat down beside her on the couch. He rubbed his arms, unable to completely suppress a shudder.

"Here," she said, draping the blanket around his shoulders again. "There's no point in being uncomfortable just so you can prove what a macho man you are."

He accepted the blanket with a sour look. "I wasn't trying to play macho man."


She snuggled close, letting his body draw warmth from hers. The storm raged on around them and finally began to abate. Thunder rumbled in the distance and Cade's chin slumped to his chest. Leaning forward, she relinquished the blanket and urged him to lie down on the couch. His fingers gripped her wrist as she started to move away.

"Don't go," he muttered sleepily.

She hesitated. It was a risky thing, lying down on the couch with a man, but this was Cade - half asleep and asking her to stay - Cade, who never asked for anything. Cade who felt no desire for a woman? A few minutes wouldn't hurt, and then he would be sound asleep. She could leave and he would never know the difference. He probably wasn't even awake enough to know who she was.

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