Ignoring the raised brow that Claudette gave her husband, Cynthia hastily set another place and graciously submitted to improper treatment as Cade helped her with her chair and then seated himself. It was hard to tell whether he was trying to impress his sister or shock her. Somehow the latter seemed more likely with Cade.

During and after supper, conversation seemed to continually migrate back to Cynthia. Were the Landers actually interested in her mundane life, or was there some other reason for their questions? The evening was long and she was grateful when Cade announced he was going to bed.

Once she was certain Cade and his guests were comfortable, she retreated to her room with a book. She wasn't actually tired, but reading was relaxing. Inside the quiet room, the balcony beckoned, so she slid the patio door open and stepped out into the balmy night. She leaned on the banister and breathed deeply of the clean air. Down by the pond, frogs were singing their night songs and the sky was filled with bright stars. Somewhere out on the range a lone wolf called, its eerie howl reminding the intruding humans that they had not yet won. She sighed contentedly. This was heaven on earth. How could it get any better? And then she thought of Cade. A cool breeze touched the warmth of her cheeks. Why couldn't she stop thinking of him that way? What was it about him that attracted her so? No matter how often she asked herself the question, the answer remained elusive. Could it be that his stoic personality was the very thing that kept her interest perked? People always wanted what seemed unobtainable. Was that the case? If he returned her affection, would she grow tired of him?

She turned away from the beauty of the ranch, reminding herself that she had made the decision to leave. How could she stay, feeling as she did about Cade? Sooner or later it would become obvious to Cade himself. And then what would he do - suggest she find attention elsewhere? So many questions and so few answers. She settled into the old rocker and snapped on the lamp. A few chapters would take her mind off Cade.

But it didn't, and even when she slept, she dreamed of him again. This time they were on the balcony, gazing into the night, his arm around her waist. She snuggled against his body, but this time when she lifted her lips for his affection, he laughed.

She woke with a start. She rolled over and punched her pillow. Now that was a good example of her imagination working over time. Cade laughing? Did Cade secretly laugh at the way she flirted with him? The idea brought a rush of heat to her neck. She tossed her head to throw the curls from her face and rolled over in bed. Stop thinking about him. It was that simple. All she had to do was put her mind to it.

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