"So, can you still tell me you're not romantically interested in him?"

Cynthia rolled her eyes. "Let's not go through this again. Nothing is going on and nothing is going to happen."

Mary shrugged and smiled wryly. "Then why were you flirting with him?"

Cynthia gasped. "Flirting with him? I wasn't flirting with him." She knew her face was getting red. Had she been flirting - unconsciously? A Freudian slip? And more important, did Cade think she was flirting?

Mary contemplated her soberly for a few moments and then spoke gently. "Be careful, Cindy. I know you're sure you can stay in control, but..."

"I can," Cynthia replied archly. "And anyway, Cade definitely isn't romantically interested in me, so there's absolutely nothing to be concerned about." Both statements came from the heart. People had limited control over their emotions, but they could certainly remain in control of their actions.

Mary shrugged. "Well, if I were in your shoes, I'd see my doctor about some form of birth control. People have urges and sometimes things just happen."

"Oh, Mary. The best method of birth control is abstinence and a little pill is no substitute for morality. Anyway, things don't just happen. Not to people who have a little dignity and self control." At Mary's startled look, she was afraid she had stepped over the line. Did Mary speak from experience? It was none of her business and she certainly didn't want to hurt Mary's feelings. "Well, maybe it does for some people, but not a hard hearted old witch like me."

Mary laughed shortly. "You two make a fine pair, you know that? Who do you think you're fooling? Under that facade of indifference beats a heart primed for breaking."

"Maybe so, but not right now. I'm having too much fun." She launched into an explanation of the truckload of supplies and a description of her new room.


Mary listened thoughtfully. "Claudette has no reason to be concerned about Mrs. Cade's furniture. It isn't..." She cut her explanation off short as Cade pulled into the drive. "I'll tell you about it later."

But the opportunity to talk privately didn't offer itself the rest of the day. As it turned out, the truck repair was minor, so she was able to follow Cade home that evening. It would be nice to know she could leave the ranch at will without leaving Cade afoot, but she doubted if she would be driving to town soon. For a while she was going to be far too busy.

The next morning, after Cade left, she threw a roast in the oven and eagerly set to work on the family room. By noon she had the pictures and mirrors on the walls and was hanging the curtains when Cade came in. He glanced around the room and his troubled gaze halted on her.

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