She caught her breath as the blood lunged painfully up her neck. "I didn't mean that."

It was his turn to color up. "Then what?"

"I meant...Well; sometimes girls are more sensitive about things. I mean, it might be hurtful for your sister to see me using your mothers' things."

The lip twitched again. "There's nothing sensitive about Claudette, but if you want to move into that room upstairs with the balcony, go ahead."

Her face didn't lose its warmth and she gnawed at her lower lip. "What made you single out that room?"

He tucked his hands in his back pockets and shuffled his feet, the color in his face deepening. "I figured..." He shrugged. "I saw you up there one time."

If she thought her face could get no warmer, she was unpleasantly surprised. How often had he watched her sunbathing? It could only have been in the last few weeks since the weather had turned warm. She didn't own a swimsuit, so bra and panties had been her option. The rest of her clothes were there in the room in case he came into the house, and she thought the deck was as private as her bedroom with him out on the range wet nursing his cattle. Apparently she was wrong. She stared down into the sink, feeling violated.

He must have sensed the cause of her sudden withdrawal, and spoke gently.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...I forgot my rope in the barn and had to come back yesterday. I wasn't...I mean I didn't...I looked away."

She glanced up at his tortured face and had to smile. The stoical Russell Cade was stammering around like a school boy. And why? Actually, the bra and panties were far less revealing than a bikini. Was he embarrassed because she was scantily dressed, or because he had inadvertently invaded her privacy?


"It wasn't your fault. If I want to sunbathe, I should buy appropriate clothing." She rinsed a plate and dropped the subject. "I think it would be fun to redecorate the family room. Actually, I haven't had enough to do around here lately."

The extra color was beginning to fade from his face and he turned toward the family room. "When you're done with the dishes, let me know. There is a chest of drawers and a three-quarter bed in the attic. Between the two of us we ought to be able to carry them down to that room." He took a few steps and then paused, glancing back at her. "Feel free to get anything you want out of the attic. I know you'll take care of it." And then he walked away, his shoulders swaying like a pendulum with his stride.

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