By the time Cade arrived in the kitchen she had biscuits, gravy, bacon and eggs ready. Cade dropped into a chair and immediately began to put away the food. She poured him a cup of coffee and he glanced up at her.

"Sit down and eat."

"I never eat this early in the morning."

Still, she poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. "Do you want me to pack you a lunch?"

He shook his head, declining to answer until he had swallowed the food in his mouth.

"I'll be in at twelve."

He sipped his coffee. "Sandwiches will be fine today. Spend some time exploring the house. Make a list of anything you need and I'll drive into town Monday."

Would she be invited along, or would she be expected to stay on the ranch? Always? She sipped her coffee reflectively and finally found the courage ask him a question that had been nagging her since his offer.

"Mr. Cade, do you mind if I have a friend over now and then?"

His head lifted and he frowned at her. "Russ, or Russell. Don't call me Mr. Cade. It makes me feel old."


He swigged the last of his coffee and set the cup in his plate, carefully placing the flatware across the plate before he continued.

"You may call or have friends over anytime you long as they don't interfere with your work." He pushed his chair back and stood. "I've got to get going. The sun will be up soon." He lifted his hat from a peg on the wall and shrugged into his coat.

"See you at lunch." He said as he walked out the door.

Cynthia finished the dishes and wiped the counters. Last night she had noticed a few clothes in a hamper in the laundry room. As she passed through the living, room she paused and smiled. A fire burned brightly in the fireplace. Cade had been busy this morning.

Removing the laundry from her room, she walked down the hall and hesitated at Cade's bedroom door. Somehow it seemed an invasion of his privacy, but it was part of the job. She turned the porcelain knob and pushed the door open. His room was also filled with antique furniture, although his appeared to be mahogany. The bed was made and she found his clothes in the hamper. The master bath was tidy, so she left the room and pulled the door shut, breathing a long sigh.

With the laundry washing and the sun peeping through curtainless panes, she set out to explore the house. First she opened the double doors in the kitchen and found the formal dining room. A long oak table graced the center of the room, its ten carved chairs at attention. A matching china cabinet held fine china, crystal and silverware. The silverware needed polishing and the furniture could use a good dusting. She closed the doors when she left the room, anticipation increasing her pulse. It was such an interesting house.

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