Tanna squeezed his forearm. “I love her too, Hank. Your racing here to be with her is more than payment enough. Tell her to call me later. The room is paid for through tonight.”

Hank hugged her. “Thank you, Tanna. Safe travels.”

His heart was pounding something fierce when he entered the room. He imagined the worst. But Lainie looked the same as ever. Except for the small thumb-shaped bruise on the side of her throat.

Still, she looked absolutely beautiful to him.

He didn’t touch her, though he longed to smooth her wild curls. He longed to wrap her tightly in his arms and never let her go. He longed to pepper her sweet face with kisses. Feel her breath drifting across his chest.

Instead he pulled out the desk chair and watched her sleep.

Chapter Twenty-three

Hank had about half dozed off when he heard the covers rustling. His eyes flew open and he caught her staring at him.


He stood. “Lainie. Are you—”

She jumped out of bed and launched herself into his arms before he’d taken a single step.


“Oh, God. You’re really here.”

Everything that felt wild in him settled. Surrounded by her scent, her body pressed against his, he held her, finally believing she was safe.

She spoke first. “Where’s Tanna?”

“She hit the road. You’re supposed to call her later.”

Lainie placed sweet, tender, nuzzling kisses up his throat that made him sigh in pure contentment. When she reached his mouth, she kissed the corners of his smile, teasing his lips into parting, sweeping her tongue inside for a full-blown kiss.

Her potent taste sparked the desire that always simmered between them. But Hank was content to let her lead. To let her show him how much she could handle.

She touched him thoroughly. Running her hands through his hair. Over his face. Across his shoulders. Down his chest. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, darlin’.”

“Will you crawl under the covers with me? I’m tired and I can’t seem to get warm.”

“That I can do.”

He stripped to his boxers and spooned her. Tucking the covers around her so only her face was exposed, he rested his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes.

Hank actually relaxed enough to drift off. But when Lainie stirred and he knew she was awake, he said, “I need to know what happened last night.”

Her body stiffened immediately. “Didn’t Tanna relay all the sordid details?”

“Some. But I want to hear it from you.”

Lainie was facing away from him. At first her voice was low enough that he barely heard it. By the time she finished, her tone was clear and strong, which he took as a good sign.

“I’m sorry. I’m pissed as hell. My anger won’t help this situation, but I have an idea about something that will help.”

She rolled back toward him. “What?”

“When this attack happened you were at the event as an employee of Lariat. It’s their job to provide a safe environment. When your coworkers took off, they left you alone in a dangerous situation. So in my mind, Lariat needs to be aware of what happened. Specifically, Dusty needs to be told. Dusty also needs to contact Bryson Westfield, from the EBS, so he’s aware of what happened at an EBS-sanctioned event.”

Lainie’s defeat morphed into defiance. He continued, “I can deal with this if it’s too hard for you. And FYI, that wasn’t a suggestion. Either you call him, or I will.”

“Don’t bully me, Hank.”

He curled his hand around her neck, bringing her close, so she’d make no mistake about his intent. “Don’t confuse bullying with my ensuring that this matter is handled swiftly and properly. Do you have any idea what the thought of you being hurt does to me?”

He foiled her attempt to look away.

“It’s all I can do not to track that worthless f**ker down and shoot him for the animal he is. Ace was stopped before he succeeded in his attempt to rape you. We could be dealing with a lot different—a lot worse situation.”


“You can’t honestly believe I’d walk away and leave you to handle this alone?”


“Don’t brush me aside. Not now. Not ever. You know how I feel about you, Lainie, even when you won’t let me say the actual words. But it doesn’t change them. Or negate them.”

Lainie didn’t answer, but Hank hadn’t expected her to.

“This isn’t something I can stand back and do nothin’ about. I’m here for you. No matter what happens. But one of us is gonna make that call. You choose.”

Neither spoke. Neither moved. Finally Lainie closed her eyes and said, “All right. I’ll do it.”

Thank God.

Hank brushed his lips over her forehead. “I’ll be right here with you, if you want.”

“I’d like that.” Lainie wriggled out of his arms. “In fact, I’ll call Dusty now. He’s harder to get hold of as the day progresses, and I don’t want to put this off any longer than I have to.”

After Lainie hung up, she knew she’d done the right thing. Dusty was suitably appalled by the defection of the other medical personnel as well as Ace’s behavior. But when it seemed Dusty might balk at contacting Bryson Westfield about the incident, Lainie put the screws to him. She’d wait four hours for Bryson’s response and plan for disciplinary action against Ace, or she’d head to the police department and file formal charges against Ace Newharth before she left town for the next EBS event.