First thing out of Hank’s mouth: “Is Lainie okay?”

Hank always thought of Lainie first. Always. “Tired. Still soaking in the tub.”

“So you and she . . .”

“Just talked.” Kyle dug through his equipment bag, checking the contents. Tape, gauze, rosin, a tube of liniment. Spurs, bull rope, a package of Tums. Extra tape, extra rosin, extra gauze, an extra jar of arnica gel. Spare spurs, spare socks, spare shirt, spare belt. Yep. He was good to go.

“What did you guys talk about?” Hank asked.

“Mostly about you. She knows about your tryout with the EBS. Celia mentioned it to her, because it was something you’d tell your girlfriend.”

Confusion replaced his stunned look. “Why didn’t Lainie say nothin’ to me if she knew?”

“She figured if you’d wanted her to know you’d tell her.”

“So why are you telling me now?”

“Because I’m taking off. It’ll be the two of you alone tonight. Thought you might want to talk.” Kyle zipped up the duffel and faced his longtime friend. “If you wanna f**k her tonight, fine, go ahead. Just understand, it ain’t jealousy when I say your time might be better spent talking to her. There’s a little more than a week left before we part ways. It’d be good if you two hashed out your issues before then.” Now that I know where I stand.

Hank drained his beer. “You’re right. It’s just that when it comes to her . . .”


“I know.” Right then Kyle knew Hank loved Lainie. He loved her in a way Kyle never would.

“Remember to come back and get us in the morning.”

“That’d be a real hardship for you, Hank. Stuck up here alone in a romantic cabin in the woods with Lainie for a few days.”

He grinned. “You’re right. On second thought . . .”

Kyle punched him in the arm. Hard.

“Hey! And here I was gonna warn you to be careful tonight.”

“Especially since you won’t be there to be my hero and save me from the big, bad, nasty bulls?”

“Kiss my ass, Gilchrist.”

“Not in this lifetime,” he shot back. Tossing insults was easier than Kyle being pissy that Hank Lawson was a lucky bastard. He just hoped Hank was smart enough not to blow the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Hank returned to the cabin. He followed the sweet floral scent of Lainie’s shampoo and lotion to the bedroom. She was sprawled facedown on the middle of the big bed. From the doorway he couldn’t tell whether she’d fallen asleep. He turned away, only to hear, “Hank?”

“I’m here. Didn’t want to disturb you if you were conked out.”

“I wish. I’ve got this sharp pain in my lower back and I just can’t get comfortable.”

“The hot bath didn’t help?”


Hank stopped at the edge of the bed. “I could rub it, if you want.”

Lainie lifted her head and gave him a droll stare. “Really?”

He raised his hands in mock surrender. “No strings. Thought I’d return the favor for all the times you worked out my kinks.”

“Do you have all the kinks out of your system?”

What a loaded question. He deflected. “Up to you, Lainie, whether you want my help or not.”

“I’ll take it. Thank you.”

He started to strip.

“What are you doing?”

“These jeans are dirty and constricting.”

“Fine. But promise me no funny business.”

“I promise. But I’m a little disappointed. I’ll just kick my clown shoes and rainbow wig under the bed.”

She laughed. “Smart-ass.”

Lord. Did he love the sound of her laughter. He’d gotten so used to it in the last couple weeks, he didn’t know how he’d live without it.

Isn’t that the point of this night? You finally telling Lainie how you feel about her?

Once he’d stripped down to his boxer briefs, he tossed the pillows to the floor. “Scoot up so I ain’t falling off the bed.”

As Lainie moved up, the towel came loose and she tossed it aside. Hot damn. She was naked.

“I feel you eyeballin’ my ass, Hank Lawson, and I’m reminding you that I’m a little sore all around.”

He swept his hand up her back and was mighty pleased when she shivered from his touch. “I know. But a man can’t help but admire the beauty of your body when it’s spread out in front of him like a feast for the senses.”

“Sweet-talkin’ cowboy,” she muttered, and turned her face away.

Hank grinned. He straddled her thighs and sat on his haunches, careful not to put his weight on her. But he couldn’t stop his greedy hands from following the delectable curve of her ass up to the equally delectable dimples above that fine, fine ass. His thumbs pressed into the skin at the base of her spine and worked outward. “Tell me where it hurts, darlin’.”

“Up a little. There. Now move out away from—Jesus. Right there. Exactly there.” Her body went rigid.

“Relax. If you tense up it’ll hurt worse, remember? That’s what you always say to me.”

Neither said anything, beyond Lainie’s soft grunts of pleasure or sharply inhaled breaths when he worked her a little too hard.

Since she didn’t protest, Hank massaged more than just her lower back. He did her shoulders, her arms, her hands, her spine. He massaged her butt cheeks, but he was careful not to dip between the tempting cleft of her ass or between her thighs.