“No. I’m speaking as your sponsor. Bear in mind the EBS has their own set of official sponsors. Their bullfighters are only allowed to wear those names—on and off the dirt. So if you choose to go with them, I’ll have no choice but to sever our sponsorship.”

That sounded almost like a threat, which never sat well with Hank. “Lemme ask you something.”

“Go ahead.”

“If I’m worth more money, why hasn’t it been offered to me before now?”

Lyle grinned a greasy banker’s smile. “Because you never asked. Also, we assumed you were content working at the level you’ve stayed at the last five years.”

“The level I’ve stayed at?” Hank repeated.

“Filling in where needed. Even though you’re immensely qualified, you’ve never been selected for the AFR or the Circuit Finals. But only because bullfighting seems more like your hobby than your vocation.”

Much as the truth stung, Lyle had a point. Hank’s main responsibility was to the ranch. So why hadn’t Abe protested when Hank told him he was flitting off for three weeks?

Good question. Hank never wanted to be a hobby rancher any more than he wanted to be a hobby bullfighter. But it appeared he was both. It smarted that it’d taken someone like Lyle Barclay to point it out.

Hank stood. “You’ve certainly given me plenty to think about. Right now, I have to get my head in the game for tonight.”

“The stock contractor definitely brought rank stock. Be careful out there.”


“I will. Thanks.” Hank reseated his hat and ambled out of the tent, more confused than ever.

Lainie was sated after the sexy interlude with Kyle.

Sated and completely unapologetic.

Lord. When Kyle had looked at her like that, green eyes hooded beneath sooty lashes, lips parted, everything feminine inside her purred. Roared, actually. She’d acted on that animal instinct without hesitation.

No awkwardness lingered after they’d slipped their clothes back on. They’d laughed and eaten lunch. Explored every nook and cranny of the camper.

The place was bigger than she’d thought. The narrow living and dining area was bookended with a bedroom at the back and another bed in the crawl-up sleeping compartment above the truck cab. The kitchen boasted an almost full-size refrigerator, a sink, and a two-burner cooktop. A minuscule bathroom contained a toilet, a sink, and a shower stall that seemed cramped even for someone her size. She had no idea how Hank fit in there.

Kyle had stretched out on the bench seat with his hat low over his eyes.

It’d been so long since Lainie had leisure time she had no idea what to do with herself.

“Why you so antsy, sugar?” Kyle said without moving.

“I’m always doing something. Sitting here feels like I’m wasting time.”

“Welcome to life on the road.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “What do you do on the road?”

“I’m either driving or sleeping or at the grounds.”

“That’s it?”


“I won’t survive three days, let alone three weeks,” she muttered.

He pushed his hat up and looked at her. “Maybe you oughta rest up. Me ’n’ Hank ain’t gonna be too happy if you’re too tired and cranky to be with us when we get done rodeoin’ tonight.”

That made her blush.

Kyle smirked and tugged his hat back down.

She unpacked her bag. She found two drawers beneath the bed frame that were already half full of hunting shit. She consolidated the stuff into one, which left her with a puny drawer. Damn good thing she hadn’t overpacked. She kicked the drawer shut and attempted to hang her clothes in the shallow closet. But the door kept sticking and she had to slam it a couple of times to get it to shut.

When Lainie turned around, Kyle leaned in the doorway. He wasn’t sporting his usual devil-may-care grin. The glint in his eyes sort of scared her. “What?”

“You done makin’ enough noise to wake the dead?”

“It’s not my fault the cabinet door is broken—”

“Enough,” Kyle said with a sharp edge she’d never heard from him. “You’re bored. I get it. I’ve got a cure.” He advanced on her. “Strip to nothin’ and lay on the bed.”

Lainie’s heart started beating faster.

“Not a request, Lainie. Get cracking.” Kyle unhooked his belt. Toed off his boots. Kept staring at her as he unzipped his jeans.

“What are you doing?”

Off went his shirt. “I’m solving the boredom problem for you by giving you something to do with your mouth and hands.” Off went his Wranglers.

He wasn’t kidding. His c**k bounced against his belly. He was already fully erect.

They’d just had sex an hour ago. Why was his unusually high-handed behavior turning her on?

“Last warning, woman. Or I’ll get the cuffs out.”

Kyle had brought handcuffs?

The camper door slammed. Two seconds later Hank stood in the doorway. His gaze moved over Lainie—still fully clothed—and then to Kyle, who was buck-ass naked. “What’d I miss?”

“Little Miz Lainie is bored.”

Hank’s eyebrows winged up. “Already? We’ve only been here five hours.”

“I was fixing to focus her restless energy. Wanna help?”

“Damn fine idea.” Hank’s clothes flew off him.