As he jammed the whole shebang in the washer and poured soap on top, he grinned, thinking his mother would be appalled. She hated how he did laundry. Which reminded him that he hadn’t called her about his win in Lamar.

Not that she’d be thrilled. Maybe secretly thrilled, but she wasn’t happy about his getting back into bull riding.

He sprawled on the bed before he dialed her at home.

She answered, “If it isn’t my wayward son.”

“Hey, Ma.”

“Hey, yourself. You ain’t calling me to bail you outta jail, are you?”

A real comedienne, his mother. “Nah. Can’t a guy call his mom just because he misses her?”

“Lord have mercy, Kyle Dean Gilchrist. You must’ve lost your entry fee in Lamar if you’re sweet-talking me. Hoping for a loan?”

“Nope. I got first.”

“You did? Congrats! Tell me about it, but leave out the parts where you get the shit kicked outta you by a two-ton beast.”

Kyle detailed the rides. He talked about the differences in the EBS and the CRA. He said nothing about Lainie or about her joining him and Hank on the road.


The click of a lighter. A sharp inhale. Damn cigarettes. He wished she’d quit, but nagging her did no good.

Like it did her no good with you and bull riding?

“So, where are you right now?”

“Hank’s place. We’re loading up Abe’s camper.”

“If you tell me you drove through Cheyenne to get to Muddy Gap and didn’t stop to see me, so help me God—”

“We cut across from Fort Collins and came up through Laramie. You’da chewed my ass if I’d showed up on your doorstep at three a.m. anyway.” Two soft raps sounded on his door. He held his hand over the mouthpiece and said, “Come in.”

The door opened and Lainie was framed in the doorway, acting strangely hesitant. He motioned her in.

“Look, Ma, I’ll call you from the road. We’ll be in Gillette the next two days.” Her threats burned his ear, but he still managed to grin. “No topless dancin’ on the bar tonight for extra tips. Love you too.” He snapped the phone shut and stared at Lainie.

“You give that warning to your mother often?”

“Every time we talk. It’s a private joke.”

“Must be nice.”

“It is what it is.” He smoothed his fingers over his mustache and goatee. “Something you need?”

Lainie shuffled closer. “Just checking to see if you’re all right. You’ve been upset since we got here.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not hiding an injury from me?”

“No.” He’d completely forgotten he wore just his boxer briefs, until her gaze lingered on his crotch and slowly, very, very slowly, inched up his torso. “You really oughtn’t be here, eating me up with those hungry eyes, sugar.”

“I can’t help it. You have such a yummy body. I want to rub my face in the hair on your chest. I want to feel your goatee teasing my ni**les. I want you to kiss me. Do I ever want you to kiss me, Kyle.”

“Jesus. Lainie. Have you been drinkin’?”

She laughed—a sultry sound that matched the heat darkening her eyes. “No.”

“Hank won’t be happy you snuck down here.”

“The question is: Are you happy I’m down here?”

Kyle squirmed. “Of course. I just don’t want Hank to get pissed off at me. Or think I lured you into the basement.”

“It’s not Hank’s decision where I go. It’s mine. I can tell him that if you like. After.”

“After what?”

“After you kiss me.” She paused by the edge of the bed. “Are you really all right?”

“I am now.” Kyle jerked her on top of him. His mouth was on hers, catching her giggle. He rolled her beneath him, pinning her arms above her head. His dick had gone from zero to hard in about four seconds. His lips slipped across her jaw to her ear as he ground against her. “Tell me what you want.”

“Get me off. And then I’ll get you off. Just do it fast.”

“Deal.” Kyle twisted to his left hip, unsnapped her jeans, and yanked them and her underwear down past her knees. After popping the buttons on her blouse, he pressed on the front of her bra until the plastic clasp released. Kyle wiggled his boxers off and was right back on top of her. “Spread your legs wider.”

“That’s the farthest they’ll go with my jeans on.”

“Good enough.” Kyle sucked in a breath when his c**k connected with the damp heat of her mound. He rocked until his shaft was nestled into that sweet cleft.

“Kyle, what are you doing? We don’t have a condom.”

“I’m making you come, like you asked me to. And I don’t need a damn condom to do it.” He thrust up, then pulled back, dragging the entire length of his c**k across her clitoris. “Gimme that mouth,” he growled, kissing her urgently. His chest hair rasped over her ni**les with his every upward movement.

“I like that.”

“I know. That’s why I freakin’ love to do it.” He felt goose bumps prickling across her arms. No matter how he touched her or what sexual position he suggested, she turned her pleasure over to him.

Or to Hank.

Dammit. He was not thinking about his buddy when he had Lainie in his bed.

When Lainie started to bump her hips up, he stilled, until she understood he was in charge. She sagged into the mattress and kissed him harder, squeaking those sexy, needy sounds into his mouth.