“Good girl.” His eyes never leaving hers, he picked up her hand and lifted it toward the head of the bed, wrapped a soft strap around it. And then he did the other. So quickly, so easily, and then he moved to lie beside her.

When his eyes left hers, she felt shock sear through her. She yanked against the straps, realizing her vulnerability. God, what had she done? She was naked, and he was… She didn’t even know him. “No. I don’t like this. Let me go.”

“Jessica, look at me.” He cupped her cheek in one big hand, forcing her to meet his dark gaze. His level, straight gaze. “Trust me to take care of you, kitten. Can you do that?”

Her panic receded a little, even more when he brushed a tender kiss across her lips, nuzzled her temple. She’d never met anyone who affected her like this. She did trust him, far more than made sense. She sighed her acceptance, stopped fighting the ties, although her body stayed rigid.

As she lay there, hands tied over her head, he stood and stripped, not hurriedly, just as efficiently as he did everything, it seemed. Oh, he was as gorgeous without clothing as she’d imagined, his skin darkly tanned, tight over the muscles beneath. Her eyes dropped lower, and she flushed. His erection was huge, thick and hard and jutting toward her, both a threat and a promise.

Following her gaze, he glanced down. “As you can see, I’m looking forward to burying myself in your slick pussy, feeling you all around me.”

Her core clutched at his words, as if it had a mind of its own, heating and moistening for his invasion.

After covering himself with a condom, he joined her on the bed. Leaning on one elbow, he caressed her cheek and teased her lips in a soft kiss that quickly turned hot. His tongue took possession, smoothly plunging in and out of her mouth.

And she felt the heat returning as he toyed with her mouth, as his fingers traced up and down her neck, stroking across the tops of her breasts.

Then his hand moved down. “You are like a Christmas present” -- his voice was smooth and dark -- “gifting me with such tempting pleasures. Your breasts are lovely.” He lifted each one, evidently savoring the weight in his hand, running his fingers on the underside, circling each breast until the nipples contracted into hard buds, aching to be touched.

She arched, trying to get closer, and he chuckled.


His fingers closed on her right breast, running over the tiny areola pebbles until they tightened even further. When he drew her nipple into his mouth, his hot, wet tongue drew shudders from her as it circled the peak. His teeth closed and nipped. She gasped. The feeling was just short of pain, sending pleasure jolting down through her like an electric line to her core.

She tried to bring her hands down, wanting to touch him, but the restraints held her tightly. She realized again that she couldn’t move; she couldn’t stop him from taking anything he wanted. Her breath hitched even as her excitement rose another level.

He moved to the other breast while his fingers kept playing with the first. He took her into his mouth, sucking hard until the nipple stood erect and a dusky red.

“Very pretty,” he murmured in approval, and slid down. His mouth pressed against her stomach, nibbling and kissing until she squirmed under his touch, her heart pounding faster with every inch.

He knelt between her legs now, looking at her…her pussy. She flushed. Why hadn’t he darkened the room? Sex was one thing; being looked at was another. That area should be private.

Tilting his head, he ran his finger down her stomach to the top of her cleft, and she caught her breath and yanked at her bonds. He eyed her, pushed her leg out a little. Feeling exposed and vulnerable before his gaze, she resisted, unable to help herself.

“I don’t think you’re going to obey me easily,” he mused. “You’re too shy.”

She had a feeling she knew what was coming. Now he’d restrain her legs. She’d heard about being spread-eagled, legs tied toward the corners. Her breath sped up even as she tried to tell herself it would be fun. At least she knew what was coming.

His eyes crinkled as he smiled at her. “Perhaps not the spread-eagle, then.”

Reaching under the mattress, he pulled out a wide strap that was attached to the side of the bed. After wrapping the soft velvet-covered fabric just above her knee, he bent her leg up toward her chest, then out, and pulled the rope tight.

“Hey.” Her eyes widened even as he did the same to her other leg and this time she tried to resist, but he was finished before she recovered from the shock. Rather than her legs being straight, he’d pulled her knees up toward her stomach, and outward, tipping her pussy up in the air.

“Now you are open to me,” he said, gazing straight into her eyes. “Open for whatever my mouth or cock wants from you.” Excruciatingly slowly, he slid his finger down between her folds, taking her wetness and spreading it. “This pretty little pussy is mine to use.”

Staring at him, she shivered as her mind went blank. She was bound and more helpless than she could ever have imagined. Her legs jerked uselessly, unable to close, to move. Her usual worries about what to touch, how to move… All decisions had been taken away from her; he made them all. And arousal settled like a warm hand over her whole lower half, and dampness trickled between her legs, revealing her desire to his knowing gaze.

His warm hands ran up and down her legs, massaging the undersides of her restrained thighs. When he stroked the tender crease between her leg and pubis, she shivered. Her core coiled tighter. Leaning forward, he nibbled on her stomach, his breath warm against her skin.

When his fingers barely caressed her clitoris, need exploded within her. She quivered, her entire core burning almost painfully.

“Please,” she whispered, not really sure what she wanted.

He raised his head, frowning. “Who?”

“S-sir, please.” She needed more, needed something so badly she ached, her insides throbbing, wanting.

“Ah, I like please.” His big hands curled around her thighs, holding her as tightly as the straps, and his head dipped. His tongue licked into her, and she cried out in surprise, the slick curl of him too quickly gone. But then his tongue found her clit, moving over and around in teasing little flicks, so that her breath almost stopped with each tiny touch. She needed to arch her hips, to press against him, and she couldn’t move. She was open and immobile to his touch.

Suddenly he slid a finger between her swollen folds, and into her.

“Ah, ah!” Her tissues were so sensitive, he felt huge inside her. Hot. Her legs shook, straining against the straps.

In, out, one finger, then two, and then his mouth settled on her clit. His tongue stroked, soft then hard, never the same, until every nerve in her body was waiting for the next slide of his finger, the next touch of his tongue. She panted in little hard breaths.

And then, his mouth closed over her clit, and he sucked hard even as he plunged his fingers in and out of her. She screamed as electric spasms shot through her with the brilliance of fireworks. Her insides convulsed around his invading fingers, her hips jerking uncontrollably.

She could still hear her wails echoing in the room when she opened her eyes and realized he’d moved up to lie beside her. His gaze was steady on her face.

“Oh…” she whispered, astonished with herself at her response. Nothing had ever felt like that before, as different from her little pleasant orgasms as an afternoon shower was to a tropical storm.

Her hands were still restrained, and she wanted to move, touch him. She pulled at the wrist straps. “Let me go,” she demanded.

He gave her a slow smile. “Soon, little one. But I find I like your hips in this position.” He moved on top of her and reached down to touch her pussy. She trembled as his skillful fingers teased her clit, her labia. “You’re so very open.”

He ran his cock up and down her wetness, setting off little spasms inside her. Staring into her eyes, he thrust slowly, firmly into her, hard and hot and thick, filling her completely. More than completely, deeper than was comfortable in this strange position. She struggled for breath, trying to escape, to move away.

Chapter Seven

Zachary’s balls thudded against the little sub’s buttocks, a tiny enjoyable jolt, as he sheathed himself to the hilt. She was slick and hot and tight around him. From her body and mind, he could sense her discomfort at his size, and he stopped to give her time to adjust. Her full breasts brushed against his chest, and he leaned down to nibble on one. He doubted he’d ever get his fill of her breasts.

Her pussy contracted around him as he sucked on one succulent nipple then the other, playing with each until he could feel her body responding, wanting more.

He gave her more. Her hips were tilted forward, and he adjusted his movements so each stroke, each exquisite slide into her body, brushed against her clit. Within a minute, she was trembling under him; another minute and she moaned, low and deep, her green eyes blind with passion.

She had so much passion that she’d kept hidden away, and the pleasure of bringing it forth was heady. Ah, but she had more to give. He continued pumping, hard and controlled. With one hand, he released her arms from the bonds. Satisfaction filled him when she grabbed him like a drowning swimmer.

She slid her hands over his back, then her fingers dug into his biceps as he increased the pace and force of his thrusts.

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