She started to pick up a pastry and stopped. How could she eat in front of him? He probably thought she was way too big as it was. When she looked down, her hips and thighs seemed like they were bulging beneath the skimpy skirt. She folded her hands in her lap.

Conversation. They were having a conversation. “Abuse?”

“As with any alternate lifestyle, BDSM can attract unstable personalities. Here, at least, I try to ensure that consensual is more than a catchphrase. But even our screening and training procedures… We still have some problems.” His narrowed gaze flickered from the plate to her hands. With a frown, he set his tea down on the table. “Are you no longer hungry?”

She shrugged, feeling gawky and inept. Why couldn’t she be all slim and everything, and why did it never bother her unless she was attracted to a man?

He shook his head and smoothly changed seats, joining her on the couch. “Come here, pet.” With an unyielding grip, he slid her over until her thighs and shoulders were rubbing against his.

Could he feel the way her hips squished?

“Jessica, I like your body, in case you haven’t noticed.” He turned to face her, pushing her against the back of the couch. Slowly he trailed his fingers down her neck, across her breasts, her stomach, and heat flowed into her like a current. She moved uncomfortably when his hand settled on her pudgy hip.

“I like round,” he said, holding her gaze with his own as his hand stroked her hip. “I like abundance.” His hand moved to cup her breast, and he smiled as the weight settled into his palm. And then he slid her skirt up, and his fingers wrapped around her thigh, moving upward until she squeaked and closed her legs against him.

He bit her earlobe, a tiny jolt of pain, and whispered, “I fully intend to bury myself -- very, very deep -- in all your softness until you’re squirming under me. Until you’re panting for release.”

God, she was panting now. And the whole world seemed to have caught fire.

Ever so slowly, his hand stroked back down her leg, and then he sat back, leaving her feeling flushed and needy. He didn’t put her skirt back, she noticed.


Picking up a mushroom cap, he held it to her lips. “Eat, Jessica,” he said. “You are going to need your strength for later.”

And when her mouth dropped open at the tantalizing threat, he popped the morsel into her mouth. One warm arm around her shoulders, he continued to feed her, bite by bite, talking in his deep voice about the different people in the club. Cullen, who was a Dom as she’d thought and who went through the subs like wildfire, never took one for more than a couple of nights. Daniel, who’d lost his wife three years past, hadn’t been really happy since. How Daniel also liked curvy women. Adrienne, a sub, who’d be disobedient just to get a whipping. Cody wanted to be a twenty-four/seven slave, and Joey was searching for a mistress.

When the food was gone, he smiled down at her. “Feeling better?”

She was, amazingly enough. “Yes. Thank you,” she said, meaning more than just the food. She felt comfortable and settled.

“Good. Now tell me why you think your body is unattractive?”

And just like that, she was off base again. Huffing out a breath, she pretended to watch two people walking past. “I don’t know where you got that --”

He cupped a hand on her cheek and forced her to meet his gaze. “Don’t evade the question, pet. Was it your parents? Men?”

Why did she feel even more naked than when he’d dried her off in the bathroom? She didn’t need to talk about this with him -- with him of all people.

He waited. Damn him.

“Mom, at times. And there were some men who liked their women to be thin.” She shrugged, tried to look away. His hand didn’t move. As his thumb stroked her lower lip, he could probably feel it quiver, dammit.

“Well-meaning parents can mess up a person’s head, true. And men like that? They should pick skinny women and leave the soft, round ones for men who can appreciate them.” He shook his head in disgust. “Sometimes I think our country is filled with idiots.”

He really did like her body. The thought was heady, freeing. “You’re a nice man,” she said.

“Of course I am.” His eyes crinkled, and she saw the glimmer of a smile that reminded her of who had fondled her bare butt, had swung a paddle against that same bare butt. His smile widened.

“Ah, right.” She rose to her feet, relieved when he didn’t stop her. “How about you point me toward the facilities.”

When he stood, looking down at her, she felt like that kitten he kept calling her. Like a kitten next to a wolf that wasn’t hungry…right this minute. But the danger was there, glinting in those dark gray eyes. She watched him warily when he set his hand low on her back then deliberately stroked the curves of her butt.

She frowned at him.

Before she could even react, he yanked her up against his chest. His hand behind her back held her pinned as his other hand roamed over her bottom -- her still tender bottom -- so intimately she was embarrassed and aroused all at once.

“First lesson, little sub,” he said very softly. “Frowning at your Dom can be risky.” One finger traced the crack between her buttocks through the silky skirt material, and she quivered under his touch.

“You’re not my --” The carnal look in his eyes froze her tongue. “Um. Right. A lesson. Thanks.”

He chuckled and released her, the lack of his warm body against hers like a sudden chill. Shaking her head, she headed for the bathroom, striving for dignity but moving a little too fast to accomplish the effect. She glanced back before going through the door. A man was talking to Sir, but Sir’s gaze was on her, a faint smile on his lips.

The sensual flush ran through her right down to her toes.

Chapter Six

Zachary listened to James and his ideas for a scene with his fairly new sub, but his mind was more on Jessica than the conversation. He could tell her thoughts were on him and the way he’d made her feel. She was confused…and very aroused. Excellent.

He turned his attention to James, replayed mentally what the young man had said. New sub, inhibited. Wonderful in private but he couldn’t get her off during public scenes.

“Then don’t do them,” Zachary said. His college-age son would have added a duh at the end.

“But I love scening in the club, Z. It’s something I don’t want to give up. Hell, she may not work out for me after all.” James sighed, his unhappiness clear.

Zachary put thoughts of Jessica away so he could focus on the problem. James and Brandy were good together, each meeting the other’s needs. It would be a shame for something so minor to cause a division. “You can scene without her reaching climax.”

“Yeah, but like that’s the whole point of a scene, at least it is for me.”

“All right then.” Zachary frowned. “If Brandy comes easily when alone with you, then she’s inhibited by being on display. If you can bring her to orgasm once or twice in a public scene, she’ll probably be fine after that.”

“Yeah, that’s what I think. She kind of likes doing stuff in front of people…just not getting off.”

“A woman is at her most vulnerable then, both physically and emotionally.” Zachary glanced at the restroom door. Jessica should be out soon. “James, let me give you a few tips and --”

“Shit, Z, I’m not good with remembering instructions. Can you show me? Do one of your scene lessons?”

Education had always been a priority at the club, and although inducing a public climax wasn’t part of the usual training, it was probably a concern to many of the newer Doms and subs. “All right. Next week.”

“Cool. I’ll make sure I’ve got the night off.” James’s grin showed his relief before he nodded toward the restroom. “You know, I’ve seen your sub before. She visits the animal shelter every week.”

James was a vet tech, Zachary remembered. “Doing what?”

“Socializes the animals; you know, walks the dogs, snuggles with the cats. The animals adore her.”

“Good to know.” A sweetheart, like he’d thought.

“Yeah, thought I’d mention it. She’s not the type to boast.”

“No.” The woman had depths he hadn’t explored yet, physically or emotionally.

“Well, thanks for the help, Z,” James said. “I’m going to go tell Brandy about next week.”

Right after the younger man left, Jessica returned.

Zachary turned to Jessica, savoring her straightforward emotions after the noisy jangle of the young man’s. Her mind was so clear; he occasionally could get images rather than just emotions.

Right now, her barriers were back up, her arousal down. She was like hot springs on a high mountain, all that heat covered over with new-fallen snow. Now how long could she make that last, he wondered, amused. “Let’s head toward the other side of the room.”

The intent look Sir had just given Jessica unsettled her.

In the restroom, she’d had a firm talk with herself as she cooled. She wouldn’t make an idiot of herself by getting all hot and bothered. Sure, she wanted to discover more about the bondage stuff, but not to the point of relinquishing all control. “What’s on the other side?”

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