It was a day for new beginnings.

A new life, and there was no one else in this world who I wanted to spend this life with, other than the man next to me. Blake made me his world, worshipped everything about me and loved me to the hilt.

It took me a great deal of time to get to where I was now, but now that I’m here, I never planned to backtrack or even dare hesitate for a second. I knew what I wanted—plain and simple.

The garden was transformed into a place full of fresh blooms, candles, crystals, beauty, but most of all, it reeked of romance, love.

A wedding.

Our wedding.

Blake was rendered speechless.

Chad gasped. “Oh shit shizzle!”

Luciano’s estate was vast, so when Seraphina suggested to place the event further in, close to the riverbank to hide it from everyone, I agreed right away. I wanted it to be a surprise. And it sure looked like I accomplished it.

I paused, right below the arches where the guests could see us, but far enough that they couldn’t hear us. “Blake. You swept me off my feet. Loved me without stipulations. Became the man that I have always dreamt of. I love you. I’m yours. Now I’m asking if you want to be officially mine. Will you marry me and make me that happiest woman in on earth?”

When his gaze meshed with mine, I saw reluctance in there, something I didn’t anticipate.


“I want this—more than anything, Sienna, but you have to make sure that this is what you want.” He searched through me, relaying his sincerity, the complexity of the meaning of his words. “Because once you marry me, I’m never letting you go. Don’t expect a divorce if things get rocky because there won’t be one. Happiness and sorrow we’ll share together, until I’m dead and gone.” He pulled my hand to his lips, brushing it with a gentle kiss. “I love you, but for now, our engagement was enough.”

As infuriating this man could be, I didn’t doubt for a second his devotion to me. His love knew no bounds; I saw it with my own very eyes. Blake was my own warrior, my partner, my knight. “Thank you. I appreciate how patient you are, but it’s not enough for me anymore. I want to be your wife. I don’t want to wait for another four years until I could claim you as mine.” I paused, wetting my lips. “After what’s happened, things became clear to me. It really isn’t that complicated. We ardently love each other. I’ve come to a point where my love is now unconditional. It’s that simple.”

“Are you sure about this, cara? I know I nag you a lot, but now that it’s here, I’m quite skeptical.” He looked away, pondering. “I don’t want you to feel obligated because of what happened.”

Was he serious? “Knightly! For crying out loud, just freaking marry me already!”

“Yeah, go get them billions, baby love.” Chad chirped on the other side, drunk as a skunk.

“And there’s always that.” Blake grinned, uncaring.

I rolled my eyes, ready to smack both men. “Whatever. Let’s just go get drunk.” I started to walk away, towards a disapproving Lucy before Blake caught up with me.

“Wait—wait! What the hell, you just proposed to me and after two seconds you walk away?” he eyed me like I was crazy. “You can’t just do that!”

I lifted my shoulder, nonchalant. “It happens. I guess we’ll wait.”

“Bloody hell! Come on, wife. Let’s make you officially mine, once and for all.” Blake carried me back, towards everyone.

Once we reached them, Seraphina spoke to Blake. “You know you have to put her down now, right? The priest can’t marry you two unless she’s on her feet.”

Things got really serious then as we both looked at each other, nervous, giddy and so out of breath. “Ready to love me forever?”

“I already do.”

I smiled at the kind priest, before whispering into his ear. “I know. Imagine what kind of presents you’ll get tonight from your wife, Knightly.”

Blake took a deep breath, whispering into my ear. “Not the time to tease purple, cara.”

I bit back a smile at the name reference for his member.

“Shall we begin?” The priest intervened.

For almost an hour, we did all the ceremonials. I almost sighed with relief when it was time for our vows.”

All the anxiety and any qualms about being nervous when this moment came, dwindled away the second we stood face to face, Blake holding my hands, eyes that knew so well, looking at me full of love. Taking a deep breath, I delivered my vow to the man before me.

Before I met you, I thought love was simple, uncomplicated and straightforward.

Loving you has never been simple, uncomplicated or straightforward. It has wrung me, strung me upside down, cut me into pieces. You melt my heart to the core—with just a kiss.

Our love is not simple—it’s an extraordinary experience. It’s a wild ride, with no signs of stopping. It’s ride one I vow not to get off of.

I was proud that I my tears were silent and I wasn’t crying ugly, but it almost came to that when I saw Blake’s eyes glistened. My man was touched with my words. I gave him an encouraging smile, knowing that he wasn’t prepared for this—for our vows. He immediately gave my hand a tight squeeze, before clearing his throat.

I will be your eyes when you can’t see. I will be the person to guide you when you’re lost.

When your hopes are dashed and you need someone to help get your feet on the ground, I am that man, who has an undying love for my wife.

You proved me wrong. The intensity, the depth and the fathomage of my love for you are out of the ordinary. You bring me incandescent happiness.

Your kiss gives me guidance. Your love brings limitless strength, but most of all. You give me a reason to live, to be a better man—man who finally learned what the true meaning of ultimate love is. I am humbled to be your servant, forever yours.

Oh my God… I’m melting…over and over again, I thought, sniffing with tears.

I didn’t even wait for the priest to give us his blessing, announcing that we’re now married, before I flung myself on Blake and kissed him senseless. I could hear laughter from the crowd, but I didn’t care, I love him and I wasn’t shy to display that. I kissed him until I was out of breath, shaky and drowsy.

“Can’t wait to be married to me huh?” Blake laughed, wiping my tears with his thumbs.

“Yeah. Yeah. Make a joke of it.” I knew he wasn’t going to let this down, his teasing, but I deserved it. I kept pushing the idea away for month, and look at me now; I couldn’t just wait to be his wife.

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