It took another three weeks to get Lucy, Chad and Toby to give up everything to join us for a two-week vacation in Rome, in Luciano’s palazzo. It was my birthday week and Seraphina wanted to do something special and at the same time, take care of their nephew. I thought it was a perfect place to get everyone together. After all the awful things that happened, I needed my friends around me.

It was our second night in Rome and we were outside, enjoying each other’s company when Lucy snapped out of nowhere, “For the love of God! Stop staring at me.” Lucy flashed her bright blue eyes at Toby before she got up and huffed in haste, leaving.

I stared after her and then looked back at Toby’s besotted face, helpless to conceal his love for Lucy. “What are you waiting for? Go get her back.”

Chad shook his head, downing his drink. “Grow some balls, Watson. I could lend you mine, if you like.”

Blake choked on his water. “Chad! You’re such a prick.”

“My point exactly.” He giggled and then darted a knowing look at Toby.

Toby gave me a sad smile. “Married man here, in case you forgot to take notice.”

That was it. Word vomit was about to erupt. “Toby f**king Watson! Listen up, buddy. I love you, but you need a good boost of cajones because this is not working out. Do you really believe, deep down, if Lucy gives you another chance you’re not going to jump back to be with her? Do whatever you have to do. Just walk up to her and kiss her senseless. Something other than mopping, please.”

“You go tell our boy, baby love!” Chad cheered on, handing Toby a shot of vodka. “Need to loosen you up a bit, brother. You’re kind of losing your sexy spark, you know.” He then tapped his shoulder. “On second thought, you’re still all buff down there. You would do!”

Give it to Chad to make it all sexual.

“Dirty bastard!” Blake snorted, pulling me on his lap.


Toby eyed us with envy, looking distraught. “She never wanted me back, Si. I had given up on her. Lucy doesn’t love me. It’s that obvious. Besides, I’m married!” He looked away, accepting whatever crap he filled his head with. Well, all except for the marriage part. He needed to get out of that, but he will only do it if Lucy tells him to.

Toby was a stubborn man, too, but hopelessly, crazy in love with Lucy. “Did you ask Lucy? Did she ever tell you that she doesn’t love you anymore?”

He frowned. “Well no, I ever asked her directly, but it shows.”

“Fucking hell. Get the hell out of that chair and ask her then. Once and for all, get it over with,” I urged him, helping him out of his seat. “You’re already broken, hon. How much more damage would it cost to have her confirm it? Take the risk. GO!”

Toby was muttering something before he stood up and looked for Lucy.

Chad poured himself another shot, toasting it in the air. “To love and happy ever afters. And some sweet, sexy, nasty happy endings!” He downed it in one go, slamming the shot back down. “Now that I mentioned happy endings, I need to call my hubby and stroke me some. Peace out, lovers!” Chad stretched about as he slowly walked inside the villa. “I love Rome. I feel the love. It’s in the air!” he sang out, doing a little meringue as he did so before disappearing inside.

Blake and I were just stuck here, staring after him, speechless. “He sure is happy.”

“So am I,” Blake murmured, kissing my shoulder. “Amore,” he whispered, caressing my shoulder before it slowly went south. “I need to be inside you tonight; it’s been too long.”

Hell. This was the second time he had asked me to have sex. “Babe, can we wait for a little bit more, please?” I countered, feeling his hardness pressing against my bottom. “I promise to make it worth your while.”

“I’m not trying to pressure you or anything. Thought I should ask.” He kissed my cheek, smelling me. “I feel complete, just by being here, with you. I don’t need anything else, but you.”

“You’re so mine, Knightly. I’m keeping you forever.”

He chuckled, nuzzling my neck. “So does that mean we get to play around in bed?”

“Not tonight.” I stood up, holding his hand. “Let’s get you to bed, Mr. Knightly.”

“Do tell, are you going to wear that naughty nurse outfit? You did look amazing in that one the other night.” He caught up, cupping my ass.

“Not happening tonight, either.”

“Blue tonight. Purple tomorrow.” He muttered, kissing my cheek. “Color me horny, cara.”

Oh, Knightly!

I sighed, smiling.



We were out on the veranda, enjoying our late afternoon siesta after we got back from shopping Piazza di Spagna and Via del Babuino. We were puckish and thirsty. Lucy and I enjoyed some peach bellininis while the men enjoyed their alcoholic drinks, while we shared the mini pastries, olives, cold cuts and assorted cheese right before us.

“Paris and Rome are like fashion orgasms for the g*ys. I don’t think I’ve shopped myself to exhaustion. If I see one more Armani, I’m going to keel and die.” Chad sighed, exhausted. “But then again, if it looked good on me, I’d die wearing it. Going down hot, that’s all I’m saying.”

“Don’t forget the hot men!” Lucy chimed.

Toby snorted and slammed his glass, head shaking. Chad looked at him, then at Lucy. “Why aren’t you two speaking or looking at each other?” Chad pointed at Lucy and Toby, who both have been so quiet since this morning. “Guys want some shot to loosen the tubes or what?” he evilly grinned, wicked as always.

Lucy gave Chad a nasty look before he started laughing his butt off, before sliding a shot towards Lucy, then to Toby. “Heavy sexual vibes going on that’s all.”

Toby shook his hand, took the shot Chad gave him. “I suppose it’s my fault. I kissed her yesterday.”

Lucy groaned, covering her face. “Shut up!”

Toby looked offended at her reaction. “Well, why don’t we just have it out here, shall we, Lucy? After all, we are amongst friends.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Lucy spat back.

Blake and I looked at each other, wondering what’s going on, before he spoke into my ear. “Let them have it, cara. They’ve been avoiding each other too long. Maybe this will help them.”

Toby stood up, eyes flashing. “Fine. I’m a twit! I’m a pig. I’m a bloody f**king adulterer because I f**king had sex with you last night! I’m not going to apologize because I f**king loved every second of it. There wouldn’t have been a difference anyway because I cheated on my wife on a daily basis—looking at videos and pictures of you, of us. From the second our eyes met, to our first kiss, it’s you who I loved.” He looked away, mellowing down. “It was supposed to you on the altar with me, Luce. It was supposed to be you and me, forever, remember?”

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