“No,” he gritted out, pissed off. “Go f**k yourself, Camilla.”

She laughed, moving away. I could hear the door open and close. It was then I felt another person join us because I felt his roughened hands on my shoulder. Blake remained silent, which I took was a bad sign.

“Clock is ticking, Blake. Make up your mind because we don’t have that much time before we take her away and have Gareth have his wicked way with her.” Camilla sounded triumphant. “Oh, didn’t you know? The bodyguard you hired was in love with her all along. Gareth wasn’t in surgery. I had to pay a large sum to get one of the doctors to lie. Everyone has a price. And I’m guessing you have yours, too.”

Gareth’s hands were now stroking my neck before it went lower and cupped my br**sts.

“Stop! Don’t you f**king dare touch her! ENOUGH!” he thundered out, but Camilla kept laughing at him while Gareth continued his ministrations. “Okay. Okay. I’ll do it.”

Camilla laughed. “Finally! Just to let you know, Gareth will shoot you if you try to kill me. It’s a little romantic, don’t you think? If you and I die together then Sienna and Gareth can live happily ever after.”

“Understood,” Blake hissed out.

I could feel the heat and anger from him. The thought of him with Camilla, hearing them together was killing me inside. Anger rose and took over me when I heard Camilla hand over her gun to Gareth before walking towards Blake. “I want to be on my back so I could watch you do me. It’s been too long, my love.”

“No,” a tiny voice came out of my lips, enough for him to hear me. I wasn’t sure if it was the anger that was helping me function or the meds wearing off, but it was slowly ebbing away, too slow.


“Blake!” I yelped when Gareth pulled me up from behind, moving us against the wall.


“Open those beautiful eyes, Sienna,” Gareth commanded. “Open them.”

I heard a cry from Camilla.

“God! I forgot how rough you could be,” she purred before I heard a Blake growl.

I felt tears forming in my eyes, afraid of what was going on.

“Open them, Sienna, or I’ll make you.” The tip of gun was now circling my br**sts, teasing. “Fuck her now, Knightly. I want to see your fiancée see you for what you are.” His thick hands were sliding down my thighs before he slid his hand inside the gown, seeking.

“STOP. ENOUGH. OPEN YOUR EYES, SIENNA!” Blake bellowed just before I felt a finger delve into my folds. “NOW!”

I squirmed as my eyes flickered open, clashing directly with Blake’s, who was scooting to the side, away from Gareth. He had Camilla pressed against the bed, both hands behind her back with no underwear on. When I saw that he still had his pants on, I sighed a little relief that he didn’t do it.

Blake’s eyes pinned into mine before flickering at the gun that was on the table next to Gareth, who was now screaming for Blake to get a move on.

“Are you ready to be f**ked?” he grated at Camilla, pulling her hair as he did so and then plunging his finger inside her.

She looked like she was in heaven, a stuttering mess and absolutely under his spell. I wanted to cry so badly, but I knew Blake wanted me to get the gun, so I inched closer, towards Gareth.

“Are you trying to hide, love? Come here, let me make you feel better.” He pulled me close, ripping half of my hospital gown, exposing my breast to him.

I nervously flickered my eyes towards Blake; he looked like he was ready to kill Gareth, but I had to get to the gun first. The twisted man was so engrossed at my br**sts that he kept staring at them like he was mesmerized before pushing my back against the table and bit into my nipple. I cried out from the pain, forcing myself to focus on the gun.

“You were always such a sexy thing. I used to wank myself off thinking of these gorgeous melons.” Gareth still had a gun in his right hand as he used his free one to touch me.

I stretched my hand out, until I felt the cool heavy metal in my hands and aimed it at Gareth’s head. “Get off me, you sick pervert!”

Gareth stilled before letting go of my br**sts, sliding it out of his mouth with a pop. He then backed away to the side, clapping his hand with the gun. “Can’t save your man, love. I will shoot him first before I’d let him be with you.”

“You won’t,” I bluffed, backing towards the door, pulling it a crack open before Gareth pointed the gun towards me then to Blake.

Camilla yelped when Blake yanked her hair harder, getting her on her feet, securing one hand on her forehead, the other, cupping her chin, ready to twist her head.

“Let her go, Knightly, or I’ll shoot!”

His eyes connected with mine. “I love you,” he said before he twisted Camilla’s head, killing her immediately. “Run!” he screamed at me before I dragged my limp body out of there, screaming help.

The halls were empty. The nurses’ station was deserted. Where was everyone? “Help!” my voice echoed in the halls.

Tears were rolling down my face as I reached for the phone and dialed triple nine for Scotland Yard. It didn’t take long for someone to help me. I was in the middle of explaining and pleading for help when I heard a gunshot then came another a second after the other was shot. “Hurry!” was the only word I could manage before I headed towards the room again, praying that it was Gareth being shot twice.

Upon entering the room, Camilla’s lifeless body was the first thing I saw then Gareth’s body, faced down with a pool of blood. I held my breath before looking to my left and saw Blake, in a pool of blood. His shirt was soaked, indicating he was shot in the chest.

“Blake!” I scrambled, immediately moving towards him. “BLAKE!!! Baby, wake up!” Tears fell as I screamed his name while I frantically looked for the bullet hole.

The amount of blood coming out of his chest was frightening. I prayed as I pressed my palm against the hole, stopping the flow of blood, my other hand pressed on his neck, looking for a pulse. I couldn’t find one.

“Stay with me. Blake. Stay with me!” I was choking with my tears, hoping that help would get here soon before it was too late. I knew there was only a small window to resuscitate a body. I hoped to God that he would be kind enough and make that possible.

I shook as the blood tried to squeeze through my palm so I had to kneel and press both hands into it, watching as Blake started to lose color. “Dad! Help me. Don’t let them take him away,” I sobbed, feeling helpless. “Please…”

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