Sienna got up slowly, legs shaking. Once she reached the wall, she carefully planted her feet apart, against it, before bending over and held on to her toes, then she slowly pushed her back against the wall, leaning over it, breathing in, and out. “I’m ready for you.”

Yes, this woman was f**king mine! I wanted to yell atop my lungs and announce it to the world.

I took my time stroking my coated c**k as I watched my beauty, hot and ready to be conquered, slowly strolling towards her.

“Am I enough for you, Blake? We can always call them back in. They can help—assist without sex.” Sienna was still having doubts.

Somehow her pressing the subject, made me want to prove a point. And f**king yes! She was enough, more than enough. She was everything. “Shut that ungrateful mouth of yours, amore, and just enjoy what I’m giving you.” I cupped her ass, massaging as I tested her angle, pressing her against the wall. “Close your eyes. I won’t take long.”

The first thrust pinned her against the wall, her pu**y tunnel were scorching from the balls earlier. It was like a hot, slippery oven, compact, boiling my c**k to perfection as I jammed into her snugness. The hard wall, gave the perfect angle, hitting her spot as it did with mine. Rubbing it until it was ready to well—to quake and unleash—what I had thrived for, my completion.

I felt my soul give out, my complete submission, to my body—to hers. Instead of her submitting to me, it felt like it was the other way around. By giving me a taste of this heaven, I was undoubtedly hooked.

Her warrior.

Her man.

Her slave.




I was on my way to work, being chauffeured by Robert since early morning traffic and catching up with the events that happened while I was asleep on the other side of the continent and driving, didn’t mesh well with Sienna.

Stuck in traffic, a family of four caught my eye. They looked quite happily as they chatted happily, crossing the street to get into the café before the father lifted the toddler, carried him and kissed him on the forehead. The child then kissed him on the cheek and then wrapped his arms around his neck, head resting on his shoulder. A faint smile played on my lips, seeing Sienna and I in the same position, hopefully in the next few years.

Something just clicked in my head. Before I knew it, I was dialing a real estate agent I’ve used for years. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to set-up everything I wanted my family life would be, now would it? After all, I was the kind of man who looked at his glass half-full, instead of half empty.


A week later, I surprised Sienna after school. She glowed when she spotted me leaning against the side of the car, watching her look for Robert.

“Fancy seeing you here, Knightly.” She leaned in and gave me a lingering kiss.

I kissed her back, speaking in between kisses. “A certain woman played havoc with my mind. Certain events from the weekend made me a tad nostalgic.”

“What are you waiting for then, get us home, please.”

Home, most definitely. “Certainly, amore.” I grinned, guiding her inside the car, making sure her seatbelt was secured before I went to my side and gunned the engine.

She was chatting happily about her day, simply distracted, until she paused and made a complaint. “Ugh. What’s taking so long for you to get us home?” Sienna looked around, taking in the direction we were going. “Are you taking a new route?” She glanced at me. “I’ve never been around here before.”

“We’re almost there,” I assured her, grabbing her hand, kissing it and placing it on my leg.

Stopping outside the gate, I took out the remote to open it before I heard a loud gasp beside me. “Whose house is this? It’s amazing!”

“It’s your new home.” I squeezed her hand. “It’s ours.” The estate was in Bishops Avenue in north London. Price tags around this side of town were notorious. I knew Sienna was going to protest, but it was already done.

I decided to move and get out of the car. I was about to go to her and help her out, but she was already out of the vehicle, frowning at the house.

It was a beautiful ten-bedroom home. It had a state of the art gym, a library, office, indoor and outdoor pool, spa, massive kitchen, a large garage that could fit eight cars in it, staff quarters, sprawling English gardens, but most of all, I had something to entice her. “I had a studio installed for you.”

“Blake—” she started before I interrupted her.

“Do you love it?”

“I do, but how much does a house like this cost? Ten million pounds?” Sienna wondered out loud, head shaking, skeptical.

“Forty-one, actually.”

“Holy shit! You’re insane. We can’t live in a place like this! Let’s get the hell out.” She motioned back, retreating.

“It’s already paid for.”

Sienna gasped, eyes popping. “What?” She paused, staring at me with eyes full of shock. “But that’s a lot of money.”

“I can afford it. Don’t you worry; there’s plenty where that came from so I can spoil you rotten.” I strode over to her, wanting to soothe her troubled face.

Sienna shook her head, disbelieving. “You sure you didn’t take some out from your grandfather’s bank account?”

I laughed, amused at where her head was going. “I assure you, mi amore, the money came from my bank and no one else’s.” I pulled her close, circling my arms around her neck, kissing her cheek as I rested her head against my shoulder. “If I tell you that I have billions in the bank, would it change your mind and marry me tomorrow? I don’t want a pre-nup either, so you’re going to win either way.”

Those gorgeous eyes flashed at me, ticked off. “Funny, ha ha. With or without your billions, the answer remains the same, buddy. We had an engagement party. Baby steps, please. I love you, but please let’s slow down.”

“I’m sorry. I just want to be your husband. I’m obsessing over it, is that so bad?” I groaned when Sienna kissed my cheek, stroking it with her fingertips.

“Can’t believe a man like you is obsessing about getting married at this age. Usually, they run the other way and enjoy their freedom.” She spun around to face me, cupping my face, pulling it close so I could see her enlightened one. “I’m lucky to have a man who’s obsessed to be with me. These things only happen in books, but you—you became my fairytale.”

“I used to run the other way, mind you. It could be because you were in a relationship then that made me want to get close you because if you weren’t, my guard would’ve been high up and no woman can break through it. We became friends and for months you couldn’t stop talking about how much you loved him. Back then, I used to imagine what it would be like if you were mine and you spoke that way to everyone about being with me. It made me realize how badly I wanted to be that man. I fell for you in ways unimaginable. Ways where Shakespeare used to describe how Romeo felt for his Juliet. I thought it all rubbish until you came into my life.” My gaze caressed her loving face, meaning each word I’d spoken out loud, full of devotion and intense love for this one being, right before me.

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