She moaned my named. “I want you,” she rasped out.

I laughed, knowing how the kiss would turn out this way. She always did. Kissing her nose, I grinned down at her. “I have to feed you, my sweet.”

She was mumbling some colorful words as I laughed my way to the fridge and pulled some ingredients out. “You need to be creative with food. You can’t always depend on omelets to satisfy your hunger. Cooking a meal isn’t that difficult.”

She smirked, throwing a cherry tomato at me. “Yeah, cause you’re Italian.”

“Not only are we romantic but most Italian men can cook. We love like no other. Make love like no other.” I winked at her before lighting the stove.

Sienna giggled. “You’re way too cocky sometimes.”

I laughed, before focusing on making us a meal, feeling at ease. This used to be our normal back in the day—back when we were friends, and I merely loved her from afar.

After making us some cozze marinara, a few Italian appetizers, I was enjoying our easy banter before she broke the spell.

“Babe—Kyle is leaving tomorrow. He decided to leave early, instead. I’m going to go over and have breakfast with him, if that’s okay with you?”

“Do what you must,” I kindly said, feeling wretched all over again. Gathering her dishes, I placed them in the sink, before I went over to her and kissed the top of her forehead. “Have a good sleep, amore. I’m going in to look at work stuff.”

“Thank you for dinner, babe. I love you.” She kissed my lips before darting towards our bedroom.


I stared after her, thinking how things have changed.

Now in my study, I strode towards the fireplace, setting it ablaze. The night wasn’t that chilly but it helps my mood and watching the fire burn and dance somehow helps me think. I was merely toying with my cognac, idle, when my phone rang.


“Good evening, sir. I’m calling to inform you that the contracts are sent and you should have copies in your inbox and your fax machine in your home office just in case you want to look them over now.” Adriana’s cheery delicate voice wafted through the phone.

This woman worked at lot, even on weekends, she was on top of everything. It was impressive. “Excellent, thank you,” I murmured, thinking. “Hey—listen, why don’t you book yourself a spa day tomorrow and charge it on me. You’ve been working far too much and I’m not an ingrate, well not most of the time anyway.” I suggested, hoping that she’d take the offer.

“Really? Thank you, Mr. Knightly. That’s very kind of you.” She chirped.

Her jovial voice was refreshing to hear. There was far too much sadness in my life. “You’re very welcome. You deserve it, Adriana. Once Luke gets his promotion, I just want you to know that you can take his place, if you so wish it.”

She was now a giddy blabbering mess, saying thank you a few more times before she calmed down. “You’re a great boss, Mr. Knightly.” She drawled. “Whatever is going on with you, just keep smiling because it keeps bad things away.”

I did smile at her suggestion. “Throwing your words of wisdom on me now?”

Adriana was silent awhile, before she finally found her voice again. “I hear stories, you know. I’m not sure if most of them are true, but you deserve to be happy. You’re such a kind, generous man and not to mention one of the world’s most eligible bachelor. I just think—I’m sorry; I’m stepping out of line here. I apologize.” She rushed out, dawning how much she’s been yapping.

“No, do go on, I want to hear your thoughts. I appreciate honesty more than anything.”

“You look so unhappy all the time. It just doesn’t look healthy to me. Sometimes it’s healthy to step back and look at the picture clearly, see if it’s something you want to deal with for the rest of your life.” Adriana sounded concerned. “You deserve more than that, Mr. Knightly.”

Her kindness touched me. I wasn’t sure if it was because m friends were all so busy with their lives, or that no one was paying attention to what I was going through, but Adriana noticed. “Thank you for your honesty, Adriana. And yes, I will think about what you said. I will speak to you tomorrow. Please, don’t forget that spa appointment I told you. Go hit the shops while you’re at it.” I offered, before saying my goodbyes a few minutes later.

Was I that miserable with Sienna? Apart from amazing sex, our love was still there, but it was tense—the peace I used to get from being with her was no more. It could be because she was grieving the loss of another man. Or maybe because when she tells me that she loved me, it didn’t sound the same.

I was so consumed with my thoughts that I didn’t hear her until she stood before me.

“Blake? I’ve been calling for you, but you weren’t responding.” She asked, glancing at the phone then back at me. “Who were you talking to?”

“Adriana, my assistant.”

She nodded, pressing her lips together before she gave me a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Come to bed, we can make love a couple times before going to sleep.” She offered her hand.

Make love…I remembered not a few hours ago, after I emptied myself inside her, I had never felt more hollowed in my life. Like the void was seizing me whole—no, making love to her wasn’t the answer. Taking hold of her outstretched hand, I pressed my lips against it before looking up to her. “Go on, poppet. Get some sleep. I will need sometime to sort some things. I will be there with you shortly.”

If she was shocked or offended when I declined her offer, she didn’t show it. I didn’t go into our bedroom until dawn. Staring at her for another half an hour as thoughts ran through my head, before sleep finally caught on me.



I woke up after nine in the morning, by then Sienna was long gone. Grumpily, I headed to shower, trying my damnedest not to think that she was with him.

It was Saturday and I normally don’t go into work, but I needed to distract myself because I would go mental if I stayed at home, dwindled my fingers and waited for her to come home—depressed and aggrieved.

Dressed and ready, I dashed towards the lift and towards the lobby. Coming out of the cart, my heart jumped in my throat because past the marbled entrance, just right outside the entrance doors, Kyle and Sienna were wrapped in each other’s arms—while Gareth was a short distance away, while the hired security team was onto them, while the concierge folks were staring curiously at the saddened couple.

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