In all honesty, I hadn’t been aiming for this situation to spiral out of control, but I was hanging onto my last thread of sanity and I couldn’t be around her with this constant hounding desire to ram into her. “Well then, I would love for you to meet me in five minutes time, but if you choose not to, please don’t be offended if I leave. I cannot stay and celebrate while I’m in dire, excruciating pain.”

Sienna looked taken aback. “You’re joking, right? I don’t feel like having sex with you, Blake.”

Shaking my head before I gently dropped my arms from around her. “The security team, along with Gareth, can take you back home. I have other business to attend to. I’ll see you when you get back.” I softly kissed her cheek and then started to walk away.

Sienna was hastily following behind me, suspicious. “Hey! Are you going somewhere?”

“Home.” My mind was working overtime as I studied her expressive features. She was probably thinking I was going to see another woman. “Are you implying that I was going to go somewhere else?” We still had to work in the area of trust, I could see.

“I just thought… since you…” she trailed off, looking more than guilty.

Her lack of trust was insulting. It was her who had slept with another man, not the other way around. The second I had her back in my arms, I hadn’t wanted anyone else; it was that easy for me, but for her to insinuate and assume that I would do the same, was hurtful. “Thought what? Since I’m such a randy bastard that I’d shag the next woman I see?” I hissed, trying not to raise my voice because there were people around. “I’m going home.” Although I despised her at this moment, I still managed to kiss her cheek, feeling my heart contract even at the softest stroke of her skin. “I love you.”

I walked away towards the entrance of the hotel while I flexed my hands to help me calm down. It didn’t take a whiz to see that I was more in love with her than she was with me. It shouldn’t have mattered because she was all mine, however it bothered me to no end.

Giving my ticket to the valet attendant, I became distracted when my phone buzzed. “Knightly.”

“Baby cousin! Where the bloody, shoddy hell are you? I have decided to throw a last minute shindig. We can’t start Toby’s bachelor party without the Casanova. Get your arse here, you sly dog!” Clive, like any other day, was jovially drunk.

“Where abouts? I wasn’t made aware that there would be one.” I had been too busy attempting to convince Toby not to get married to even think of a bachelor’s party for the man.


“The private underground gentleman’s club. Password is Beast Mode. See you in a bit, baby cousin.” Clive chuckled before hanging up on me.

My night had just turned into an interesting one instead of holing up like a bloody fool in my study. I headed towards the location where Clive usually frolicked; pondering what it would be like there. When was the last time I’d stepped foot in that place anyway?

Before I started dating Sienna, of course.

Forty-five minutes later, I was not even surprised that Toby was obnoxiously inebriated while getting a lap dance by some expensive dancer. These private clubs only hired women who had gone through some rigorous tests and background checks. The amount of paperwork they had to sign before they were hired was unbelievable. The gag orders and policies of things seen, heard and done were not to be repeated. Or they would pay dearly.

“Will Amelia be okay with you getting an eyeful of arse before you go back to her?” I raised my brow and nodded towards the dancer who was wearing a see through dress, her cunt on display for everyone to enjoy, or explore if you had the aspiration.

“Amelia actually encourages it, as long as I stay discreet, that is.” Toby drank from the Magnum bottle before giving me a nasty look. “It’s a fantastic union, wouldn’t you agree? Who wouldn’t want a wife who’s more than accommodating to their needs?”

Clive ordered another woman to join Toby’s dancer. “Come now, love. Poor bloke here is about to get married to a woman who allows him to have some kink on the side.” Clive grinned. “Show me where you find these women, will you? I might need to find one once my parents start pressing the bloody subject.” Clive stood up, clearing his throat. “All right, fellas. I will be back in a jiffy. I have a show to attend to.”

“I will be, too, mate,” Toby slurred his words while his dancers led him to a darkened room.

It was sad to see the once easygoing man turned into this. Lucy had destroyed him. It would’ve been fair if he’d truly done something awful, but he hadn’t. Now, my best friend was barely making it, drowning in his sorrows as he slowly accepted his fate; that he had to let go of his dreams of being with Lucy again because it wasn’t in the cards anymore.

“More cognac, sir?” a bright-eyed, innocent looking girl, probably in her early twenties asked me expectantly.

I directed her a curt nod. “Yes, thank you.”

After she expertly poured me a glass, she sat next to me. “Is there anything else I can service for you, sir?”

Bloody. Mary. Do not even think of going to that direction, you stupid fool, I chided myself. “I’m fine. I think I should head out. I’m coming down with a headache.”

Before I could even manage to stand, the girl was pasted onto me, hands massaging the back of my neck. “How am I doing easing your tension, sir?” She obviously had some training because she was on cue with the pressure points.

Hell, it was sublime after my stressful night. “You’re quite gifted, aren’t you?” I joked, but realized too late what those words would mean to her.

“I am that. I’m excellent in other areas as well,” she added, every syllable loaded with innuendo.

This was fun and all, however Sienna would have my balls on a plate if it went on any further. “Thank you, but I have to go.” I took hold of her hands and placed them on her lap. “Tell the men at this table that I am heading out.”

She blatantly rubbed my thighs. “You don’t have to leave. You’re the most interesting person here tonight and it is still early. Who knows what other pleasures you might indulge in?” When she said indulge, she brazenly stroked my hardened shaft.

It had been in that condition since Sienna rejected me earlier and continued to show no sign of going away. This persistent girl was going to get me in trouble, but f**king Christ, her hand felt damn good. Clearing my throat, I wretchedly stood up and shifted my pants to hide my dire condition. “Have a great evening,” I gritted out before leaving the pleading girl and the entire damnable place.

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