Ivanna was actually not bad with sex—nothing astounding, but fairly decent. She’s quite responsive and didn’t quite mind that I called her a different name. I can’t help it you see—it just happens naturally even if I tried not to. Every single bloody f**king time I’m f**king someone, I imagine it’s Sienna. Am I going crazy? It’s quite bizarre and it’s mystifying to me.

I smirked when I thought of doing the same thing with Camilla—she would be aghast and would never speak to me again. She’s such a sweet, proper woman. That is why if I do decide to consider her, I have to be rid of Sienna. Or if not, at least not scream her name while I’m buried over nine inches deep inside another woman.

All four of them were approaching our booth. I leaned over to Ivanna’s ear and whispered seductively, “Keep doing that…you might just get rewarded tonight. Can’t help it can you?”

She shook her pretty blonde head, “How? That’s impossible. You gave me two mind-blowing orgasms,” she announced with no filter whatsoever and right in front of our FOUR approaching guests. Ivanna kept smiling at the newcomers. I heard Toby and Kyle break out in riotous laughter.

Perfect, just in time.

Toby and Luce slid in first. That left room for only one more person. “Come sit on my lap babe,” the idiot slid next to Toby and pulled Sienna from her waist and positioned her on his thigh.

Brilliant, just bloody f**king brilliant!

The lovebirds sat before Ivanna and me. I didn’t even bother introducing Ivanna to them. I’m raging with madness right now. I’m trying to reason with myself—that I have to get used to seeing her with someone else from now on. But I can’t see straight! It’s like waving a large crimson red flag at a raging, wild and uncontrolled bull. All I see is that red flag waving, baiting me to take a good hit at Kyle Matthews once again.

Oh, I’m sure he loves this awkward, uncomfortable situation. I knew he’d savor this sweet victory of his and rub it on my jealous face. He’s doing a splendid job. I’m just about to lose it when Toby spoke.

Thank God! At least there’s a person here looking out for me before I grab Matthews by the throat and throttle him. He’s fairly muscled, but I’m much bigger and stronger. Thanks to rugby football and boxing. For pastime, I like to row and sail when I get a chance. The man wouldn’t stand a chance with me.

“Ivanna this is a good friend of ours, Sienna and her friend, Kyle.” Toby cleared his throat and continued, “Uh this is Ivanna—Blake’s—uh.” He was at a loss for words, bugger.


“Lover…girlfriend…whatever fits,” Ivanna airlessly offered. “So, you two are a couple? That was super sweet with you singing to her like that Kyle.” Her accent much more pronounced with her roll of the words.

“Thanks! Yeah—it was actually a surprise. I sang to her few years back but I’ve been practicing for quite some time now. I enjoy it a lot. Did you like it, babe?” Addressing his “babe.”

“Um, that was very sweet Kyle. You did great.” Her murmuring voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand out.

Kyle’s only fault is that he loves Sienna to distraction, as do I. If he wasn’t after her like a rabid dog waiting on the sideline when Sienna and I were together, I could’ve taken a liking to him. He and Toby seemed to get on quite nicely but I can’t bring myself to be civilized enough to make pleasantries when I’m incensed with fury towards he and Sienna. I didn’t even bother looking up at them. I can’t risk it with my current frame of mind.

Instead, I grabbed my drink and annihilated it.

The leader of the band who introduced himself as Will came over to our table and thankfully dragged Kyle back with him to join them for drinks. “You coming with us, foxy?” Will asked Sienna who gave him a stunning smile. Yep, the lapping bloke doesn’t stand a chance when she smiles like that.

“No thanks, I’m staying with my friends for awhile. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” He pouted and placed a hand on his heart. “How you keep breaking my heart! Got to dash—but do call me when you’re ready for that date I asked you about! I won’t disappoint. I swear it.” She laughed throatily as he headed back to Kyle and his friends.

“Are you going on a date with him?” Ivanna inquired. Sienna’s smile died as shook her head. “No, it’s not like that with Will. He’s just horsing around.”

“Because you’re in love with that Kyle over there?” Ivanna’s choice of words made her sound quite foreign. Sienna glanced at Lucy and back to Ivanna. “Kyle and I have been the best of friends since we were kids, of course I love him.”

“Sienna…I like that name a lot…don’t you think so baby?” She glanced at me with an accusing glare. Ha! She finally figured it out whose name I screamed every time I climaxed.

Ha bloody ha.

I merely shrugged. “Sure, if you think so.” Sienna gave me a small smile, “How was your trip to Italy?” Her eyes were rimmed heavily with kohl black liner and it made her eyes stand out…making them absolutely… spellbinding.

I looked at her, dead in the eye. My hate/love/fascinated/violent emotions drilled into her with a glance. She looked perplexed and kept staring at me like she’s seeing me for the very first time.

“Fine,” I responded curtly without much ado. We aren’t friends any longer. No need to chitchat about where to and how to.

“Uh, that’s good to hear then.” She kept staring at me and bit her lip when I ignored her.

“Don’t mind Blake love—he’s quite spent from his Energizer Bunny-like lifestyle,” Luce drawled. “Tell me—did you know that Kyle could actually sing? You never let on.” Blimey, the woman seriously doesn’t like me at the moment.

“He used to play for me—it was merely a hobby. What he did tonight was sweet, really,” she said with a smile.

“Mind letting us in on what the ‘promise’ was?” Lucy asked giddily.

I do want to know and I don’t. I don’t know how I’d survive sitting at this very table with Sienna for quite some time now without breaking down or doing something drastic.

She looked shy and discomfited for a second. “I um…sort of promised to um, consider him again. Trial period and such—but I haven’t given him an answer yet.” Her words hung in the air as she stared back and forth between Toby and Lucy.

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