“I can smell them,” Connor said, “their scents are all over this place.”

But no wolves were actually there. At least, not any she saw.

Chloe hurried toward Harris. Her fingers fumbled as she reached for his gag.

“No!” Harris yelled. “Get out! It’s a trap!”

Chloe shook her head. “It’s a trade. Me, for you.” She yanked at his ropes and her claws cut right through them. Well, at least her claws were coming in handy.

There was so much blood on Harris, and the man was deathly pale. She pulled him to his feet. “Go out the door. Eric is waiting in the SUV.”

But Harris didn’t move. “He…bit me.”

Oh, hell. A werewolf bite would mean either transformation or death.

Duncan grabbed the guy and shoved Harris toward the door. “Get to Pate, get to him now.”


Keegan James stared at the bar. His hands were clenched into fists, and his claws cut deeply into his palms.


He’d kept the pack away, because he hadn’t wanted them to go wild when they caught Chloe’s scent. He’d intended to go in Eclipse for her. He had snipers set up to take out the two Para Agents who’d gone in with her but…

Something is different with Chloe.

Her scent had changed. It didn’t lure him now. Didn’t tempt and torment.

Because she was f**king mated.

He lifted his phone. The order would be given to all. “Kill every single one of them. They don’t get out alive. None of them.”

He strode from the shadows and headed toward Eclipse. He would handle Chloe personally.

Once, he’d had such fine plans for her. Now, she was f**king useless to him.

So he might as well kill her.

She’ll see…no one betrays me and lives. No one.


Chloe looked around the bar. She still didn’t see any of the werewolves. There were long claw marks on the walls, on the floor. But where were Keegan and his pack?

Then she heard the howls. They were coming from outside. A wild chorus that was getting…louder? Closer?

“Am I supposed to stay here?” Chloe asked, her heart racing. “You guys take Harris and they take me?” Because from the sound of those howls, the pack was closing in—fast.

Connor shook his head. “That isn’t how this will work.”

The howls were louder. She flinched. Harris had gone outside and Duncan had run out, too. Probably to make sure Harris didn’t get eaten on his way to safety.

She lunged forward because she needed to make sure they were both okay.

Glass exploded from the window to her right. A fully shifted werewolf had just leapt through that window and sent glass raining down on her.

Another wolf burst through the window to the left.

Those two wolves lunged at Connor, their mouths snapping as saliva dripped from their fangs.


He drove his fist right at one charging werewolf. The other sank its teeth into Connor’s leg.

She ran toward him—

“No, you don’t get to help him.” A hard hand grabbed Chloe and yanked her back.

That voice. Chloe knew that voice. Her head turned and she stared into Keegan’s glowing eyes.

“I had such fine plans for you, but you went and screwed that up…by screwing him.”

More werewolves were rushing inside. Several had surrounded Connor. He was fighting them, swiping out with his claws even as they leapt at him.

“Did you think I wouldn’t know?” Keegan pulled her even closer against him. “I can smell him on you.”


“That scent trick of your father’s isn’t working anymore. I can see you for the useless wolf you are.”

Chloe shook her head.

“Smart of him,” Keegan continued, voice almost thoughtful. “He must have done it to try and attract a powerful mate for you. Guess he thought an alpha’s blood would carry down to any children you had.”

“Chloe!” Connor roared her name.

She risked another glance at him. Four werewolves were on the ground near him and Connor was turning toward her, but two more wolves had just jumped on him.

“But you picked the wrong alpha, sweetheart.” Keegan’s hands lifted and locked around her neck.

Is he going to strangle me?

She struggled against him. Clawed him, kicked him, fought—

“You should have picked me.”

Then he just…snapped her neck.

Chapter Eight


He heard the snap, a soft crack, as the dark-haired bastard broke Chloe’s neck.

Connor threw the wolves off him and leapt toward Chloe. She was falling—Keegan had just dropped her, and Connor grabbed Chloe before she could hit the ground.

“Too late, ass**le,” Keegan snarled.

Connor didn’t look up at him. He couldn’t take his eyes off Chloe. She was so still. Her head slumped to the side. “Chloe, baby, open your eyes!”

“Hard to do…” That f**king bastard said, “when she’s dead.”

Connor put his hand on Chloe’s throat, desperately trying to find a pulse. But there wasn’t one. No pulse and she wasn’t breathing.

“I snapped too hard, hmmm? She always was too weak.”

A shifted werewolf slammed into Connor’s back. He felt teeth tear into his shoulder.

“Kill him,” Keegan ordered. “Let him join the slut in death.”

Connor heard the growls. The howls. The other werewolves were closing in on him.

Connor’s head lifted. His gaze met Keegan’s.

Keegan smiled. “Aw, did I just kill the bitch you’d taken for a mate? My bad.”

“I am going to hurt you so f**king much,” Connor promised him. “By the time I am done, you will be begging me to end you.” She can’t be gone. She can’t be gone.

Fury and fear exploded within him, spiraling out of control. His claws and fangs were fully extended. Rage ripped through him, and Connor felt his bones begin to snap.

She can’t be gone.

He lowered her to the floor, touched her hair. His hands were still those of a man, even though he had claws.

He could hear thunder in the distance. So much thunder.


The wolves were swiping at him. He didn’t feel pain. His rage was too strong.

I will kill them all. Every single f**king one.

Chloe’s eyes were closed. Her heart wasn’t beating.

And Keegan was still laughing.

Connor swiped out at the wolf nearest him. He caught the bastard in the throat. Blood flowed.

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