So she turned her head and she offered him her throat. A sign of submission for a wolf. For a vampire? It was an invitation.

“You give yourself to me, Chloe?”

“Yes.” She wanted him in her. She wanted to give him all that she had and to take everything he had to give her. She would remember this moment—this time—with him, always. Because Chloe knew she would need something to hold tight when the nightmares came later. When all she had were nightmares.

She’d remember him.

His teeth raked over her throat. No, his fangs. And when his fangs sank into her, she braced for a quick flash of pain.


She came right then. She shuddered and bucked beneath him but the pleasure wasn’t ending. There was no crest—it just kept going and going.

His c**k was at the apex of her thighs. His mouth still on her throat. His fingers slid between the folds of her sex. Connor opened her, positioned her, and he sank in deep. So deep.

She still felt no pain. With Connor, there was only pleasure.

In and out, he withdrew, then thrust. The bed rocked beneath them. Her hands grabbed frantically to his shoulders. She was maddened, driven totally wild by the pleasure.

No fear.


No pain.

Nothing but Connor and pleasure.

“You taste f**king delicious.” He licked her neck. “And you feel like heaven.” He drove into her, moving, if possible, even deeper. His thrusts became harder and rougher. She wanted to give him as much pleasure as he was giving to her. Wanted him to turn wild just like her.

Her legs wrapped around him. Chloe squeezed him deep inside. More, more.

“Everything,” Connor demanded.

She looked into his eyes. Saw them glowing both with the power of a werewolf…and a vampire. His mouth came back down, but not to her neck. His lips pressed to the curve of her shoulder. He kissed her skin, right in that spot, a spot she knew was sacred to a werewolf.

A marking spot.

She started to tense, but the pleasure lashed her again. So much pleasure that she couldn’t suck in a deep breath. She could only feel, caught up in a storm that wouldn’t end, a cl**ax that had her muscles quivering.

He’s not marking me…that’s for mates…he’s not—

“Mine,” she heard him say. And his teeth bit that sweet spot.

She ignited.

He came. She felt the hot jets of his release inside of her. And his mouth pressed a tender kiss to the spot he’d just marked. “Mine,” again, but there was such pleasure in that word.

Pleasure and possession.


“Sonofabitch.” Eric Pate glared at the narrow flight of stairs. He’d been intending to go up those stairs and interrogate Chloe Quick. But Connor was up there with her, and from the sound of things…the guy was doing a whole hell of a lot more than just an interrogation session.

His nostrils flared. His sense of smell was more acute than most people realized. Right then, he could smell sex. Smell blood. A terrible combination for a man like Connor.

The case had been delicate enough before. But now that Connor had screwed the pretty she-wolf, things were about to get blown to hell.

Connor wasn’t going to like what they’d have to do next. It was highly doubtful that he’d have sex with a woman one moment and then—quite literally—throw her to the wolves in the next instant.

Had Chloe been counting on that?

A deal had been offered downstairs. It was a deal that they would be taking. And Chloe…hell, she was going to be the bait in his trap.

If Connor fought him on this one, Eric might just have to toss the guy into containment until the smoke cleared. The mission was about far more than just one woman. Emotions couldn’t get involved.

Not when so many lives were on the line.

He straightened his shoulders. He might have to get clawed for this, but…Eric headed up the stairs.

Chapter Seven

He was afraid to look into Chloe’s eyes. A woman says it’s her first time and what do I do? Literally jump on her like a starving wolf.

He’d marked her. He hadn’t meant to do that. He hadn’t even meant to so much as sip her delectable blood. A vampire got too much power when he drank from a live victim. Before, he’d been desperate. If he hadn’t taken her blood at the safe house, those werewolves would have taken her away from him.

This time, though…

I took her blood because I couldn’t stop myself.

He’d seen the gleaming drop of blood on her lip. He’d licked it away and been lost. His control had shredded, and he’d held on just long enough to make certain she wanted the bite. Then…

“Chloe?” Connor rasped her name and pushed up on his arms. After everything else, he sure didn’t want to crush her with his body.

But she just sighed and held tighter to him. Already, he was growing hard for her again. He’d just pretty much gutted himself with pleasure, and now he already wanted her again?

She doesn’t realize what I’ve done.

Hell, he didn’t even know why he’d done it.

Drinking her blood…that was dangerous. Because a vampire could exert too much power over his prey. He could compel, if he wanted. He could force Chloe to do anything because he’d taken her blood. He’d tied her to him.

Any place she went now, he’d find her. He could track her, feel her.

Taking her blood had been bad enough, but…

He pressed a kiss to the mark he’d left on the curve of her shoulder. The vampire in him hadn’t been the only one to want Chloe. His werewolf side had claimed her. He’d actually marked her in the way of mates.

How screwed up was that?

She’d asked for sex and he’d gone full-on primal with her—

A knock shook the door. “Get decent,” Eric barked. “And then open this door.”

Fury streaked through him. The last thing he wanted was to deal with Eric right then. Not when he was still buried—balls deep—in Chloe. Not when he was realizing just how tangled their web was and not when—

“Thank you,” Chloe whispered. “I never knew it could be like that.”

Well, that was because it usually wasn’t. He’d had sex before, rushed sex, slow sex, rough sex…but nothing had ever been like that. With Chloe, everything had been different. Every sensation had been heightened. When the cl**ax had hit him, he’d nearly howled his pleasure.

Instead, he’d claimed her.

I’m sorry, Chloe.

“I shouldn’t have…done that,” he told her. Hating it—hating it so much—he slowly pulled from her body. She gave a little gasp that made him want to thrust right back into her. A sexy, breathless sound.

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