But Eric was only looking at Connor. “You know what you’ve done? The drug we’ve been using on you might not work any longer. You’ve been so careful with the karahydrelene, but what the f**k happens now? We don’t even know what she is!”

She wasn’t the one who was some strange vampire and werewolf mix.

“They were trying to take her,” Connor snapped back. “What did you want me to do? Let them have her? It was a pack—I’m guessing the remnants of David Vincent’s pack. The guy was tied up with her father, and, now that Senator Quick is out of the way—”

Chloe flinched at the mention of her father.

“They’re trying to get their hands on her.”

Now Eric turned his attention on her. His gaze seemed so cold that she almost shivered.

“We don’t know it was their pack,” Eric murmured as he tilted his head to the side. He seemed to be considering things. She didn’t really like it when Eric considered things. After a long moment, he nodded. “Connor, take a team back to the safe house. Search it. Find me a live wolf from that pack, and we’ll make him talk. We’ll find out just why she’s suddenly so important to that group.”

But Connor didn’t exactly jump to do his boss’s bidding. In fact, Chloe saw Connor’s hands clench into fists. “And while I’m gone, what happens to her?”

“Holly is here. I called her in. She can run more tests.”

More poking and prodding with needles? “I don’t want more tests!”

Eric took another step toward her. “Do you want to be sent to Purgatory?”


Her blood completely iced. She knew what Purgatory was. Her father had mentioned it to her time and time again.

Purgatory was the only paranormal prison in the United States. Modeled after Alcatraz, it was supposed to be an inescapable strong-hold. Vampires and werewolves were carefully contained there. Werewolves were fitted with silver collars so that they could be controlled. Vampires were given drugged blood. From all accounts, the place was a living, breathing nightmare.

And Eric wanted to send her there? “Why?” Chloe whispered.

“You killed your father, Chloe,” Eric said, his voice like the arctic. “There were plenty of witnesses to the crime.”

Her lips parted to reply, but it was Connor who sprang forward. He stood toe-to-toe with Eric. “That bastard had just stabbed her in the heart. He’d killed her!”

“But Chloe didn’t stay dead, did she? And we don’t really know just how involved Chloe was with all of her father’s…plans.” Eric stepped around Connor. Stalked to Chloe. “I mean, were you involved with him? Working at his side every step of the way?”

Frantic, she shook her head.

But Eric said, “Your father wanted the paranormals to come out, to take over the cities, the world. He had grand plans, didn’t he, Chloe? Only, you won’t share those plans with us. You won’t name the people who were working with your father. You won’t give us any evidence to use.”

She was shaking. Close to breaking apart. “I didn’t help him! I never helped him!” She hadn’t realized just how dangerous he was until the last few years. He’d…gotten worse. After she’d been attacked at sixteen, something had happened to him. He hadn’t been horrified by the attack. He hadn’t been sympathetic. He hadn’t sworn vengeance.

I should have been the one to change! He’d been…jealous of what she’d nearly become. But when her shifts wouldn’t work completely, her father had started to search desperately for a cure.

Not a cure to make her human again. A cure that would fully bring out her wolf.

And his. Because her father had wanted desperately to become an alpha werewolf. He’d had the DNA necessary for the transformation, so had she. But before he’d been willing to suffer the bite, he’d wanted to make absolutely sure…

That he didn’t wind up like me.

“You lived with him.”

He hadn’t let her live anywhere else. She’d had guards every single moment, and that was why she wanted so desperately to escape Eric and the Para Unit. She didn’t want her every moment tracked. She’d already lived through that hell for over ten years.

“You worked with him, on his campaign, on his projects at Capitol Hill.”

“I did charitable work.” Her father had thought the work made for good press. He’d never really given a damn about those she helped. He’d never really given a damn about her.

“You had twenty-four, seven access to him,” Eric charged, “so don’t lie to me and expect me to believe that you didn’t—”

“She’s not lying,” Connor snarled at him. And, just like that, Connor was back to her side. His arm brushed against her. “Now back the f**k off, man. That’s the last warning you’ll get from me.”

Eric blinked. She saw surprise flash over his face.

“Y-you can’t send me to Purgatory,” Chloe said. “I’m not a werewolf! I’d be dead within days.”

“I’m not sure what you are.” Eric’s gaze swept over her. “That’s the problem.”

She inched a little closer to Connor. In that instant, she figured he was her safest best, vampire-wolf or not.

Eric’s avid stare noted the movement. It almost looked as if he smiled. Almost—if that weak movement of his lips counted as a smile. “I gave you an order, Connor. I need you to get out to that safe house with a team, now. Try to pick up the scents before it’s too late.”

But Connor still wasn’t jumping to obey Eric’s orders.

“If I don’t go?” Connor drawled. “Will you send me to Purgatory again?”


Eric’s gaze darkened. “Your debt isn’t paid.”

Connor swore. “And she isn’t to be hurt, got it? I’ll go, but only if you f**king swear she stays safe until I get back here.”

A muscle flexed in Eric’s hard jaw.

“Not so much as a needle prick, understand?” Connor’s voice seethed with fury. “No one touches her until I get back.”

Oh, that sounded fair to her. A good plan. No needles. No touches. Nothing.

And Eric…nodded. “Bring me back a live wolf.”

“Keep everyone away from her,” Connor fired back.


Chloe’s breath rushed out in a relieved sigh.

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