“That sounds like it would be amazing. I would love to go.” Smiling as she thought better not to fill him in on her dream and her love for the beach at this time.

He smiled more reaching across and touching her fingers ever so lightly just for a moment. “Then it’s set. I will pick you up at your house at, let’s say 2pm?”

With his heart fluttering he noticed her looking at the time.

“That sounds perfect to me.” Smiling more now, her heart skipped another beat as his fingers brush quickly over hers then the touch was gone just like that. She reached in her purse continuing. “Here is my card with my phone number. You can call me before you leave and I will give you my address.”

“Thank you.” He said, removing the card from her fingers again fingers brushed against hers. “You better get going or you will be late again.” Saying this he remembered her telling him that she was late that one day but she didn’t care nor was anything said.

That evening she relaxed in her luxurious bath, candles, music and bubbles as usual and imagined what their day was going to be like at the beach. Just as she was drifting in an amazing dream the phone rang.

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