This wasn’t going over well at all. She thought.

Come on, you have to think of something better, can’t let her walk out now. He thought.

Looking into his brown eyes, she could tell he was nervous, handsome, but nervous. What could he be nervous about? She wondered. She should be the nervous one, and she was.

“Where are you headed?” He asked, noticing she was wearing a black knee length skirt, burgundy blouse and a black blazer. He was thinking work but who knows, might be an important appointment. The last time he saw her though she was also dressed up so work is a great possibility.

“I have to be at work in about fifteen minutes. I never have this much time here but since my car is fixed, I can relax here a little longer.” She blurted out, which wasn’t irrelevant for him to know.

“That's why I wasn’t here last week. My car wouldn’t start for me in the mornings, the kids mother had to come get the kids and bring them to school. I was stranded. I so missed my coffee.” He said, now thinking that the conversation was starting to get interesting.

“You had the same issue?” She surprisingly asked with a smile of amazement. How could this be? This was so strange. “Mine, wouldn’t start all last week either, nor the weeks before. First it was only once or twice a week, but last week every morning. I finally took it to the shop on Saturday.”

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