Chapter 1237: The Foodie’s Paradise

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

This warehouse was on the 2nd floor of the palace tree. Covering over 50,000 square meters, it was clean, refreshing and translucent. It was not filled with treasures but plant seeds.

Zhang Tie had not received the seeds that he reserved from Jiang Clan of Herbal Palace in Xuanyuan Hill until he left Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory. In January, Jiang Clan had people sent a message to Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory——due to the catastrophe of bloody figures, Jiang clan’s industry in Taixia Country was influenced; especially the logistics. Therefore, Zhang Tie’s seeds bank couldn’t arrive until this May.

Although it was a bit late, it didn’t matter. After returning to Youzhou Province, Zhang Tie had Zhang Yang prepare the best nut seeds across Taixia Country for him.

All the nut seeds in this warehouse were prepared by Zhang Yang according to Zhang Tie’s request. There were only over 10 kinds of nut seeds. Although they couldn’t match the seeds bank of Jiang Clan of Herbal Palace, it was enough for Zhang Tie. It worked as long as the plants of these nut seeds could provide sufficient aura value for Castle of Black Iron. Of course, it would be better if they could provide food. When the entire world was afflicted by the holy war, people might not buy food even if they had money.

Those seeds which could provide sufficient aura value for Castle of Black Iron had better be able to grow into trees; additionally, they could produce food and could be easily stored and dealt with. Therefore, Zhang Tie selected nut seeds.

There were a large number of nut seeds in the warehouse, which were mainly walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and pine nuts, etc.. Although there were only such a few kinds of nut seeds, they were great in quantity. Each kind of nut seeds weighed hundreds of tons. They were piled in special metal containers like hills.

Additionally, there were various fruits, edible wild herbs, herbal medicines, grains and fungi sporopollenin and plant and tree seeds, totally over 10,000 kinds. Many species could only be seen in Castle of Black Iron. Over these years, most of the mutated species trained in Castle of Black Iron came from those plant seeds; however, their absolute quantities were much fewer than that of those nut seeds.

If those nut seeds were regarded as regular units, these plant seeds were guerrillas and ragtag troops, which even included some marine plant seeds that he had collected in Hidden Dragon Island and Ewentra Archipelago waters. Senior marine plants had seeds which were put in containers. Inferior marine plants such as seaweed didn’t have seeds; therefore, they were just put in some transparent media. Heller was responsible for looking after them over these years.


“Have all the seeds been dealt with?” Zhang Tie asked Heller.

Heller nodded as he looked at Zhang Tie with a strange expression before saying, “Those newborn lands are very fertile. As long as these seeds were sowed, they would take root. But…Castle Lord, do you want to do that by yourself?”

After hearing Heller’s words, Zhang Tie burst out into laughter. When he walked by those containers, he put away all of them into his portable super space-teleportation equipment as he said, “There’s one thing called the sense of achievement. It won’t feel same by watching others sowing my seeds, there’s something different about sowing them myself when these seeds grow into woods in the future!”

As Zhang Tie replied, he had taken around in the warehouse and put away all the seeds.

“I see, Castle Lord, if you want to do that by yourself, you’d better pay attention to your flight speed. If you fly too fast and too high, these seeds might be broken the moment they fall onto the ground!”

“I know, I’m sowing seeds, not launching a kinetic energy strike!”

After saying that, Zhang Tie immediately pushed open a transparent window which was covered by trumpet-shaped tree leaves before flying out of the warehouse. Zhang Tie soon flew away from Immortal Mountain and the Immortal Lake surrounding the Immortal Mountain.

The dark had already fallen. Zhang Tie could only see the faint brilliance given out by the colorful clouds.

Looking up at the colorful clouds, Zhang Tie’s heart pounded as he thought, ‘Previously, I didn’t know what was behind the colorful clouds due to the poor capability; each time I approached the colorful clouds, I would feel like touching a super large cotton ball and was bounced off. I wonder whether I could penetrate through them now.’

After grasping the wholly new battle skill as a divine dominator, Zhang Tie’s overall strength bulged; at the same time, he became much more courageous and confident. When he thought this way, he directly flew towards the highest place in the sky.

As the space of Castle of Black Iron was constantly expanded, those colorful clouds grew higher. They had already arrived higher than 100,000 m.

Even so, it only took Zhang Tie a few minutes to arrive at the highest place of the sky without using his flight ability as a divine dominator.

The colorful clouds gradually became distinct and as vivid as a living being in Zhang Tie’s eyes right over 10 m away. However, the invisible marshmallow-like barrier still existed. Zhang Tie tried his utmost efforts only to make the barrier shrink inside a bit. However, the invisible barrier bounced off Zhang Tie once again in an irresistible way.

The situation remained unchanged. Zhang Tie tried it for dozens of times and got the same result.

Therefore, Zhang Tie determined to make the last try. Besides putting on his Chaos in a split second, he held Thor’s Hammer too. After reaching his greatest flight speed in the shortest speed, Zhang Tie, his Thor’s Hammer and his powerful battle qi forcefully collided against the invisible barrier.

Even heavenly knights might not resist this strike while staying still. However, it still couldn’t shock the invisible barrier.

The invisible barrier was pushed in a bit like a slightly deformed huge plasticine. However, in a split second, Zhang Tie was helplessly bounced back like a ping-pong floating up in a barrel which was gradually filled with water.

After putting away the Chaos and Thor’s Hammer, Zhang Tie slightly frowned as he watched the colorful clouds over 10 m away at the highest altitude of the space of Castle of Black Iron.

‘Were these colorful clouds made by a cultivator? But how could a cultivator make such splendid things? Heavenly knight couldn’t make that. Is that a sage knight? Even if it was made by a sage knight, it’s still a bit exaggerating!’ Zhang Tie muttered. After watching the colorful clouds for quite a while, Zhang Tie could only shake his head helplessly before flying towards the ground.

Looking down from the sky, Zhang Tie found that the entire land covering over 100,000 square miles was like a huge island floating in an ocean being surrounded by colorful clouds.

When Zhang Tie recalled ocean, he immediately flew towards the easternmost part of Castle of Black Iron. Only after a short while, Zhang Tie had declined from 100,000 m to hundreds of meters high. After reducing his flight speed, he saw a coastline in front of his eyes.

Even though it was evening, Zhang Tie could still see clearly the pure white, fine and soft sea sands beneath the crystal sea water. The sea water was shimmering and reflecting the starlight and moonlight, which looked pretty beautiful and tranquil.

The greatest depth of this waters was only 300 m; however, the sea water was so crystal that Zhang Tie was almost unaware of its depth.

There was nobody else here. As the aborigines in Castle of Black Iron were immersed in the shock of the “Genesis” of their God these days, they were constantly praying and holding rituals, they had not explored here yet. There was no living beings or plant in the crystal sea water. Therefore, this scenery felt a bit lonely although being beautiful and tranquil.

However, the loneliness would be broken soon.

Zhang Tie took out some transparent containers which held various seaweeds from his portable space-teleportation equipment; closely after that, he opened those containers and sprayed those solutions into the ocean from dozens of meters high.

After finishing spraying inferior seaweed solutions, Zhang Tie took out senior seaweed seeds before spraying them into the ocean.

Zhang Tie sprayed over 10 kinds of seaweed seeds, including large-leaf seaweed, shrimp-shaped seaweed, needle-leaf seaweed, fine-spirit seaweed, silk-leaf seaweed, rainbow seaweed and Enhalus acoroides, etc..

Such a job was more like an entertainment program for Zhang Tie. When Zhang Tie imagined that these seaweeds would grow up and make this waters vigorous and green in a few months, he would feel pleasant and have a great sense of achievement.

After spraying over all the seaweed seeds, Zhang Tie had just passed half of the waters. Therefore, he sprayed some more senior marine plant seeds, which included the seeds of mangrove, sea lotus, sea mulberry, Aegiceras corniculatum and Avicennia marina, etc..

After doing all this, Zhang Tie flew onto the newborn land from the ocean.

Zhang Tie then flew over those lands and sowed various nut seeds onto it like a seeding aircraft.

Zhang Tie didn’t move too fast. When those seeds fell onto the black, fertile and soft soil, most of them could enter the soil 5-10 cm. Zhang Tie didn’t even dig pits for them…

After that, he saw a large area of woods of walnut, pine and chestnut which covered thousands of square miles. Among these woods, Zhang Tie saw apple woods, peach woods, hills being covered with plum trees, wildernesses being covered with strawberries and corridors being covered with blueberries and sunflowers, which ranged from a few square miles to over 60 square miles.

Of course, Zhang Tie sprayed various spores of mushrooms and seeds of flowers and grasses in the pine woods…some fruit seeds, sweet potatoes or dendrobium in the walnut woods…some peanuts, soya beans or traditional Chinese medicines such as rhizoma atractylodes and Chinese bellflower seeds in chestnut woods…some pieces of potatoes in the corridors of sunflowers…

As for those grains, traditional Chinese medicines and those seeds which were used to preserve the plant diversity, Zhang Tie directly sprayed them casually. He didn’t even care how they would grow.

Sometimes, when his spirits rose, Zhang Tie would directly draw some strange patterns over the ground by seeds.

After one night’s work, Zhang Tie turned the newborn land which covered almost 100,000 square miles into a paradise which was even out of the imagination of foodies.

Besides being a foodie’s paradise, the aura value that could be provided by the plants in the ocean and on the land in the future would match the number of elements that were absorbed by the elements abyss from the elements realm. After such a series of actions, the basic energy storage and aura value that were required for further space expansion in Castle of Black Iron would almost be in ready and self-sufficient. Zhang Tie didn’t need to worry about them anymore.

He only needed to care about his merit value.

This space expansion almost used up all the basic energy storage and aura value. Additionally, he only had 1/5 of merit value left, which couldn’t provide for another large-scale space expansion. Additionally, his lab in Castle of Black Iron was consuming a great number of merit value each day for various experiments of mutated living beings. Those mutated rats that Zhang Tie gained from Han Zhengfang’s son consumed merit value greatly…

That night, Zhang Tie was not the happiest one in Castle of Black Iron. After sowing seeds, Zhang Tie sent an order to all the No.1 earthworms and bees in Castle of Black Iron——to march on towards the wilderness. In the future, the new land would belong to those earthworms in the soil and those bees above the ground…

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