The route from Jinwu City to Iron-Dragon Sect of Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory crossed the entire Youzhou Province horizontally. The entire distance was over 6,000 mile. Zhang Tie’s group left Jinwu City on the morning of February 6th. After one day’s relaxed flight, the airboat arrived at the mountain gate of Iron-Dragon Sect soon after the dark fell at over 7 pm when they just finished their supper.

Since the opening ceremony of Iron-Dragon Sect last August 18th, it had been almost half a year. After almost half a year’s rapid construction, the main peak of Xuantian Eighteen Peaks had manifested its grand look.

After hearing that they had arrived at the mountain gate of Iron-Dragon Sect, the crew came to the movable deck of the airboat and watched the landscape below.

Xuantian Eighteen Peaks were in Yangui Mountain Range which was over 120 miles away in the south of Xuantian City. The dragon head of the entire Yangui Mountain Range was over there. Xuantian Eighteen Peaks had grotesque and elegant sceneries. Before Youzhou was promoted to an established lower province, Xuantian Eighteen Peaks were a scenic spot in Yangui Mountain Range within Northeast Military Region. After making an investigation in Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory, Zhang Tie determined to build Iron-Dragon Sect over there.

The main peak of Xuantian Eighteen Peaks was Xuantian Peak. Looking from above, there were continuous buildings from the foot to the top of Xuantian Peak, including grounds, pavilions, audience halls, protective fortresses, galleries, terraces, mountain passes and stone steps, which formed an organic entity. As the dark fell, the lamplight inside these buildings extended all the way from the foot to the top of the main peak as if a shiny long dragon spiraled up from the top of the mountain, making it pretty fascinating…

Besides the main peak, there was also some lamplight on Immortals Gathering Peak, whose lamplight and buildings were much fewer than that of the main peak.

Being not far from the Immortals Gathering Peak, there was another mountain peak. Looking from afar, a lot of airships were hovering above that mountain peak. Although it was already dark, a great number of craftsmen were still working on that mountain peak by building houses with courtyards and pavilions.

When the airboat approached Xuantian Eighteen Mountain Peaks, it slowed down.

As the founder of Iron-Dragon Sect, it was his first time to see Iron-Dragon Sect’s site after half a year.

Standing on the deck of the airboat and watching the brilliant lamplight in the distance, Zhang Tie became thrilled more or less and felt complex inside.

It was his Iron-Dragon Sect, also his foundation in Taixia Country. Hua people always persisted that men became independent at the age of 30 years. At 30, Zhang Tie finally could have his own undertaking in Youzhou Province. Although the Sacred Iceland Kingdom was good, Zhang Tie always felt estranged by ruling those Slavs in disguise as Hua; neither did he feel having a strong sense of belongingness. Additionally, his identity as Tsar meant responsibilities and works rather than power and reputation for Zhang Tie. Only when he founded his undertaking in Taixia Country where his family members and the other Hua people lived could he have a sense of belongingness and become not that fickle.


“When I visit Immortals Gathering Peak by foot, I see continuous clouds in the depth of sunglow.

Sunglow is still far away when the sun reaches the top of the mountain peak; cranes return in flocks when the moonlight is thrown on the pines.

Soon after I saw a dragon rising above the Hua buildings, I see phoenixes hovering in the crystal river.

As my heart integrates with the grotesque scenery of Yangui Mountain, I’m shocked by the grotesque mountain peaks that reach the sky.

Beyond the boundless grasses, woods and sunny clouds, there are looming phoenixes.

The twittering Cuiping birds on the banks must be calling their friends to drink the immortal spring water.”

After drinking up the last bit of liquor on the airboat, Feng Cangwu looked at the lamplight at the foot of the mountain while leaning against the handrail; meanwhile, he couldn’t stand reciting the poem about Xuantian Eighteen Mountain Peaks written by an ancient poet, which matched Feng Cangwu’s romantic temperament pretty well.

“Haha, this ancient poem is really nice. Besides describing the landscape, it mentions all the names of the 18 mountain peaks. What’s more, all the lines are close to nature, unlike having been processed at all…” Lu Zhongming replied with a smile too, “Xuantian Peak, Immortals Gathering Peak, Morningclouds Peak, Sunrise Peak, Distant Sunglow Peak, Moonlight Peak, Pines Peak, Cranes Gathering Peak, Rising Dragon Peak, Hua Buildings Peak, Hovering Phoenixes Peak, Crystal River Peak, Towering Sky Peak, Boundless Peak, Deep Clouds Peak, Looming Peak, Cuiping Peak and Immortal Spring Peak. I’ve heard the names of the Xuantian Eighteen Mountain Peaks when in Guzhou Province. At the sight of them, I find they’re really magnificent, forbidding and immortal…”

“What men of letters! When they saw knights flying in the sky, they thought they saw immortals; when they heard birds twittering, they thought birds were calling friends to drink immortal spring water. 1 million poets couldn’t defeat a knight; however, their natural dictions could never be matched by us!” Mountain Lifting Hermit shook his head.

“Hahaha, each one has his strong points; each one has his strong points. If we just fought demons on the billions square miles’ land in Taixia Country, it would be similar to drawing on a board with just one color. That would be monotonous. These poets make the world more splendid…” Bai Zhengnan, Bai Suxian’s elder brother, laughed as he added, “Zhang Tie really selects a good place!”

After hearing Bai Zhengnan’s words, they all looked at Zhang Tie. At this moment, they found that Zhang Tie looked a bit strange while looking at the nearby Xuantian Eighteen Mountain Peaks.

At this moment, Zhang Tie was indeed thinking about something else. Since he saw Xuantian Eighteen Mountain Peaks and the site of Iron-Dragon Sect, he had recalled what Donder told him in the grocery in Blackhot City.

“Hua people persist that kind-hearted people don’t enter politics; merciful people don’t master military power; righteous people don’t do business. Zhang Tie, you’re too kind-hearted and always stick to principles; you could barely have a great achievement in politics, military or business. If you do a small business, you could only be a small boss at my age. Unless you’re favored by the God, you could barely make any further progress. I find you’re enthusiastic about the guests and always introduce our commodities to them carefully. You’re too talkative. With this temperament, you might live a comfortable life as a teacher at school; otherwise, you might have a bright future by being a jerk priest in Sun Dynasty…”

This was Donder’s comment on Zhang Tie before he gained Castle of Black Iron. Zhang Tie admitted that Donder has a sharp judgment. Over these years, Zhang Tie had done business; served the army and ruled Hurricane Corps; he had also served as Youzhou Provincial judge for a few days; however, none of the above jobs lasted.

It was really a bit strange. He should make money when doing business; however, when he helped Donder mind the grocery and helped his family sell rice brew, it was his poorest period; he even grudged to spend one copper coin. Therefore, Donder said Zhang Tie was not suitable to do business.

In Donder’s words, if a person whose sales volume was at least 1 gold coin a day when he had the right to sell the commodities couldn’t even afford cheese and bread which were worth over 10 copper coins, he was humiliating the word “businessman”.

When Zhang Tie served the army, he was almost killed; when he ruled Hurricane Corps, he stayed to deal with demonized puppets and preferred to return to Taixia Country alone.

Although Zhang Tie had served as the chief justice of Youzhou Province, he resigned as he couldn’t stand the intrigues and mutual attacks between different parties.

Zhang Tie didn’t learn too much from his experiences in business, military and politics. He only received some lessons on how to survive himself.

Today, Donder’s judgment on Zhang Tie had come true step by step. Zhang Tie’s largest achievement really came from other aspects except for politics, military and commerce.

——After pretending to be a jerk priest, he founded the Sacred Iceland Kingdom and built Ancient God Church.

——After becoming a “master”, he opened Iron-Dragon Sect and enrolled a lot of disciples and laid his foundation in Taixia Country.

Zhang Tie always felt being much more comfortable and pleasant by pretending to be a jerk priest and a “master” than his former experiences. “Jerk priest” and “master” had many common places. If jerk priests could forget about their doctrines and beliefs, most of them could be masters. If masters advocated beliefs, masters became jerk priests.

Watching the mountain gate of Iron-Dragon Sect, Zhang Tie figured out these laws at once as he had a bizarre feeling, ‘Will I really act as a master in Iron-Dragon Sect and a jerk priest in the Sacred Iceland Kingdom at the same time?’

‘Donder really became a “prophet”!’

“What’s wrong with you?” Bai Suxian asked Zhang Tie out of concern which woke Zhang Tie up.

Zhang Tie glanced around the surrounding people before revealing a smile to Donder, “I’ve just remembered what you told me in Blackhot City. You hit that. I really don’t have a bright future in business, politics and military. I cannot match my elder brother in commerce; when in politics, I was almost screwed to death as Gobbling Party and Heavens Reaching Church both hated me too much; I have no interest in ruling army. I’m afraid that I could only make fool of some disciples in the rest of my life. I feel comfortable doing that too!”

After hearing Zhang Tie’s words, Donder became stunned. Closely after that, he remembered what he told Zhang Tie. He then threw a deep glance at Zhang Tie with a bizarre expression, “When a master reaches a realm, his sect would be like the top 6 sects in Taixia Country. By then, a sect would be like an immortal dynasty. You will get whatever you want. A lot of people would serve you in commerce, politics and military. No need to admire others…”

Gold and Power Law didn’t develop through the relationship between master and disciples, its type of organization was utterly different than ordinary sects; therefore, Donder didn’t include Gold and Power Law in his words.

Zhang Tie replied with a smile, “The objective of top 6 sects is too far away. I’m not that ambitious. Actually, by establishing Iron-Dragon Sect, I just hope that we will not be bullied by others as we don’t want to bully others. At least I’m not free; by the way, I could have those people surrounding us live better lives. Moreover, we could contribute to the humans in the holy war.”

After hearing Zhang Tie’s explanation, all the others exchanged a glance with each other as they started to laugh with a different expression. Some of them shook their heads; the others nodded. If it was told by others, they might not believe that; however, after staying with Zhang Tie for so many days, they felt that Zhang Tie didn’t tell them a lie; especially Bai Zhengnan. Zhang Tie could easily be satisfied. Like the immortal bloodline and secret methods that Zhang Tie exposed in this rotating chakra ceremony, he just exposed them so as to shock those who wanted to bully him, his family members, relatives and the others. If being ambitious, Zhang Tie would barely expose such secrets to the public; instead, he would have done a lot of evil things for his targets.

When Zhang Tie talked, the airboat had already arrived at the hillside of Xuantian Peak, the main peak of Xuantian Eighteen Mountain Peaks and slowly landed on it. There was a large-scale step-style airport covering about 1.8 square miles. A lot of people were waiting for it at the airport.

After the airboat landed on it, the hatch door was opened when Zhang Tie walked out of the airboat.

At the sight of Zhang Tie, Lu Yishan, the boss of Threerocks Building Business Group in Dashang City of Fire-Dragon Bounty Territory had bowed deeply towards Zhang Tie, followed by a lot of people, “Master, Lu Yishan and my subordinates have long been waiting for you!”

Zhang Tie glanced around the new airport and those well-proportioned buildings on Xuantian Peak in the far before nodding inside. He felt that he had chosen the right person. ‘It seems that Lu Clan is indeed suitable to be responsible for the construction of Iron-Dragon Sect.’

All the buildings on Xuantian Peak had preserved the beautiful natural scenery to the most extent. Artificial buildings could unite with nature in a perfect and harmonious way. Even though Zhang Tie didn’t know architecture, he knew that all the buildings here had been delicately designed by masters. No wonder his disciples always spoke highly of the buildings in Iron-Dragon Sect in front of him after his rotating chakra ceremony. Even Mountain Lifting Hermit felt it was not bad.

“It’s fine. Thanks to your hard work over the past half a year. Lu Clan indeed has not disappointed me!”

After hearing Zhang Tie’s words, Lu Yishan became relaxed at once as he replied, “It’s, it’s my responsibility. It’s Lu Clan’s honor to serve the master. The first phase of the project on Xuantian Peak have been completed. The entire Xuantian Peak could hold over 3,000 people; all the main halls, the residences of master and elders, the living areas of master and your direct disciples and all the supporting facilities of the first phase have been completed!”

“According to your plan, how many people could be held in Xuantian Peak at most?”

“We’ve just completed the first phase of Xuantian Peak. If you need, new courtyards and buildings could be added in many places from the foot to the top of Xuantian Peak. The entire Xuantian Peak could almost hold 50,000 people. Xuantian Peak could hold about 80,000 people if your disciples and servants squeeze up!”

“Not bad!” Zhang Tie nodded as he glanced around those typical buildings with rich Hua features on Xuantian Peak from the foot to the top of the peak. After that, he said, “Just hold 50,000 people according to the plan. No need to squeeze up here. According to the current scale of Iron-Dragon Sect, the scale of the first phase is acceptable. As for the other buildings and facilities, step by step!”

“Yes! Master, do you want to make an inspection now?”

“No need, we’ve already carefully seen these facilities and buildings on Xuantian Peak on the airboat. How about the projects in Immortals Gathering Peak and Pines Peak?”

Lu Yishan peeped at Bai Suxian stealthily before saying carefully, “Erm…Princess Bai’s subordinates are responsible for the construction of Immortals Gathering Peak; Threerocks Building Business Group is only responsible for giving a favor to Princess’s subordinates or providing some raw materials for them. Elder Gan selected Pines Peak as his base a few days ago. We’re building the mountain passes from Pines Peak to Xuantain Peak. Besides, we’re leveling the ground on Pines Peak. We’ve already drawn the maps and are waiting for Elder Gan’s decision…”

After hearing that, Zhang Tie knew that Bai Suxian’s subordinates had already contracted the project on Immortals Gathering Peak. Of course, Lu Yishan dared not go against those people from Lord Guangnan’s Mansion; therefore, he couldn’t be involved in the construction of Immortals Gathering Peak. Needless to say, Immortals Gathering Peak was selected by Bai Suxian as her base. There were two reasons: first, it was close to Xuantian Peak; second, its name carried the word “immortal”. The moment Bai Suxian saw its name, she had felt that she was pre-destined to have it. Therefore, she selected Immortals Gathering Peak as her base in Iron-Dragon Sect.

Mountain Lifting Hermit’s secular name was Gan Yanlai; his official name was called by outsiders; however, inside Iron-Dragon Sect, they all called Mountain Lifting Hermit Elder Gan. Being similar to Elder Qingfeng in Heavens Fortune Sect, the words “Qingfeng” was the honorific title of Deyang Immortal inside Heavens Fortune Sect; however, outsiders called him Deyang Immortal.

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