Chapter 1078: Bright Enlightenment Sutra

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Very few commoners could promote to knights by cultivating secret methods; especially senior secret methods. By contrast, super forces like top seven sects in Taixia Country mastered many secret methods and cultivation resources for sure.

In Taixia Country, on one hand, billions of commoners had a great desire and demand for secret methods; on the other hand, few forces and major clans mastered a great number of resources. Therefore, someone would use various means to meet commoners' demand at the risk of their lives.

There were definitely more than 1 disciple among top 7 sects and those super clans who could touch and cultivate those rare secret methods. Only in this way could a sect and a clan maintain a strong vitality and constantly train excellent talents.

Zhang Tie wondered why he had not heard that any disciples of the top 7 sects betrayed their sects and exposed their clans' secret methods to the public, causing a great chaos in the world.

Zhang Tie didn't believe that all the disciples who could touch top secret methods among the top 7 sects and major clans were saints and gentlemen. Given the probability, after so many years since those major sects and super clans were founded, some ambitious guys or lunatics must have touched those top secret methods. Now that they had touched those top secret methods, why didn't they steal those top secret methods and expose them to the others? How did those major sects and super clans prevent their top secret methods from being exposed to the public in case of losses?

'As I've reached a very high level in soul-forbidden skill, if I caught a core disciple of one of the top 7 sects who had touched the top secret methods, couldn't I get that top secret method from that core disciple's memory? How do the major sects and super clans in Taixia Country prevent it from being exposed in this way?'

'How do major sects and super clans in Taixia Country maintain the uniqueness and confidentiality of their own secret methods?'

Zhang Tie had been thinking about this question especially after establishing the Iron-Dragon Sect.

Previously, when in Huaiyuan Palace, as Zhang Tie didn't cultivate Sun Breaking Sutra , he didn't know how the Sun Breaking Sutra of Huaiyuan Palace was inherited. Now, Zhang Tie realized how Lan Yunxi trusted him and was brave to give him the Sun Breaking Sutra at that moment.


Zhang Tie was always worried that what if some of his disciples were ambitious guys or lunatics and might expose his Fire Dragon Sutra and other secret methods to the public?

As Zhang Tie had not figured out this question, he had not passed the method of lighting surging points to promote to LV 10 to his disciples these days.

When he told Bai Suxian about his concern, the latter widely opened her eyes at once as she asked Zhang Tie with an amazed look, "Master, don't you know that?"

"Don't know what?'

"Do you think that major sects pass their classics and secret methods to their disciples by giving them books?"

"Why not?" Zhang Tie touched his bald head.

Bai Suxian watched Zhang Tie with a funny look, "Of course not, otherwise, as long as some unfilial apprentices were captured by an evil person, the inheritance of those major sects and clans would be chaotic. If the others could gain top secret methods so easily, the so-called top secret methods would be too average. If so, how could those major sects and clans last 1,000 years and shock the world with those top secret methods?'

"What if not?'

After hearing that, Bai Suxian took out a piece of secret method crystal from his portable space and gave it to Zhang Tie.

The secret method in the crystal was Bright Enlightenment Sutra ...

Since he received the Bright Enlightenment Sutra , Zhang Tie had been immersing in this secret method these days in the airboat when he was free.

After reading it, Zhang Tie finally knew how the major sects and clans in Taixia Country protected their own classics and secret methods.

To be honest, as Zhang Tie grew up in Blackhot City as a commoner, his background was too weak; neither did he receive any good education or systemic knowledge and instructions from experts. Later on, he promoted to a black iron knight too fast one step after another. Only after a few years, he had promoted to an earth knight. Like a nouveau riche among knights, he was not clear about some things for sure. Due to his blind spots in some aspects, he would make mistakes.

Zhang Tie gained his secret methods easily. He just cultivated according to the secret methods. He even gained the complete "King Roc Sutra" step by step through multiple trials in trouble-reappearance situations. Therefore, Zhang Tie thought that the major clans and sects in Taixia Country also inherited their secret methods by giving them to their disciples like that in school or in Hidden Dragon Island where secret methods could be exchanged with accumulated points and contribution.

Actually, in those major sects and clans, disciples could indeed exchange for secret methods with contribution and accumulated points like how Zhang Tie did in Hidden Dragon Island. However, those secret methods were not very precious. The most precious secret methods and classics were usually inherited in an ancient and mysterious method——enlightenment.

Bright Enlightenment Sutra taught people how to inherit secret methods through enlightenment. This secret method could only be cultivated by people when they reached knight level.

The secret sutra introduced three methods for enlightenment, namely, Bright Enlightenment Method , Heavenly Wheel Enlightenment Method and Sacrifice Enlightenment Method .

Bright Enlightenment Method was mainly used by major clans and sects in Taixia Country. To a certain extent, Zhang Tie felt that Bright Enlightenment Method was similar to the process of transmitting a coded document into people's awareness.

The coding process was called the combination and blessing of body, mouth and awareness. Additionally, it could only be decoded one time.

When Bright Enlightenment Method was used to inherit secret methods, the one who received the enlightenment could not expose what he received and learned to others in any means; neither could the others gain any content of the secret methods in any means.

If the one who received the enlightenment would like to leak the information on purpose, as long as he thought about it and put it into action, he would be destructed by the secret method that he received through enlightenment. Being affected by body, mouth and awareness, nobody could cheat himself. Even if the one who received the enlightenment had entered the saint level, he could still not avoid from being destructed if he intended to leak the information and put it into action. A part of the strength of self-destruction came from the one who received the enlightenment; most of it came from the punishment that the one being executed violated the contract that he had admitted.

The one who leaked the secret method which he had received through Bright Enlightenment Method would become muddle-headed as a plant man at least; in the worst scenario, he would explode and disappear.

In the history of Taixia Country, some heavenly knights who didn't believe that they would be destructed by the Bright Enlightenment Method. However, they were all killed in the end, which laid a solid foundation for the uniqueness of Bright Enlightenment Sutra .

As for the Heavenly Wheel Enlightenment Method, the executor would transfer his own spiritual energy to the executee. In this process, the executee could only gain half of the spiritual energy from the executor. The other half of spiritual energy would escape.

The third enlightenment method of Bright Enlightenment Sutra was called Sacrifice Enlightenment Method, which was the most powerful enlightenment method. Through this enlightenment method, the executor could transfer all of his life energy to the executee. The executee could gain 1/7 of the total life energy of the executor. If 1/7 of the executor's life energy was powerful enough, the executee could even light all of his surging points and form a chakra.

However, a knight could only apply Sacrifice Enlightenment Method one time in his whole life. As the term suggested, the executor had to pay his life for implementing this method. Therefore, only when some knights in major clans and sects were almost dying would they transfer their life energy to a selected lucky dog in Sacrifice Enlightenment Method. In this way, they could produce a powerhouse at the fastest speed and leave some hope for their sect or clan.

To a certain extent, Sacrifice Enlightenment Method was similar to Bloody Demon Imitation method. The difference between them was that Sacrifice Enlightenment Method was righteous while Bloody Demon Imitation Method was evil, which would release others' life potential in the shortest period at the cost of their lives.

Previously, Bai Suxian kept Bright Enlightenment Sutra for herself. After knowing that Zhang Tie was establishing a sect, she realized that she might instruct disciples in Iron-Dragon Sect after marrying Zhang Tie. Therefore, Bai Suxian came here with the Bright Enlightenment Sutra . It was out of her imagination that Zhang Tie needed it more than her.

The Bright Enlightenment Sutra solved a question which had puzzled Zhang Tie for so long. As long as he mastered this sutra, Zhang Tie knew that his Fire Dragon Sutra and Mental Arithmetic by Abacus even the methods that he used to promote cultivation through setting free animals would never be exposed to anyone else through his disciples. Even if he passed top secret methods such as King Roc Sutra and the Great Wilderness Sutra to his son through Bright Enlightenment Method, nobody else would know about that.

This Bright Enlightenment Sutra was really timely for Zhang Tie, which pushed open a gate in front of Zhang Tie at once...

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