"The Countess beckoned to her daughter, who listened with grave

attention while she told her, in general terms, how suddenly and

peremptorily she had been summoned, and also of the arrangement she had

made for her under my care, adding that I was one of her earliest and

most valued friends.

"I made, of course, such speeches as the case seemed to call for, and

found myself, on reflection, in a position which I did not half like.

"The gentleman in black returned, and very ceremoniously conducted the

lady from the room.

"The demeanor of this gentleman was such as to impress me with the


conviction that the Countess was a lady of very much more importance

than her modest title alone might have led me to assume.

"Her last charge to me was that no attempt was to be made to learn more

about her than I might have already guessed, until her return. Our

distinguished host, whose guest she was, knew her reasons.

"'But here,' she said, 'neither I nor my daughter could safely remain

for more than a day. I removed my mask imprudently for a moment, about

an hour ago, and, too late, I fancied you saw me. So I resolved to seek

an opportunity of talking a little to you. Had I found that you had seen

me, I would have thrown myself on your high sense of honor to keep my

secret some weeks. As it is, I am satisfied that you did not see me; but

if you now suspect, or, on reflection, should suspect, who I am, I

commit myself, in like manner, entirely to your honor. My daughter will

observe the same secrecy, and I well know that you will, from time to

time, remind her, lest she should thoughtlessly disclose it.' "She whispered a few words to her daughter, kissed her hurriedly twice,

and went away, accompanied by the pale gentleman in black, and

disappeared in the crowd.

"'In the next room,' said Millarca, 'there is a window that looks upon

the hall door. I should like to see the last of mamma, and to kiss my

hand to her.' "We assented, of course, and accompanied her to the window. We looked

out, and saw a handsome old-fashioned carriage, with a troop of couriers

and footmen. We saw the slim figure of the pale gentleman in black, as

he held a thick velvet cloak, and placed it about her shoulders and

threw the hood over her head. She nodded to him, and just touched his

hand with hers. He bowed low repeatedly as the door closed, and the

carriage began to move.

"'She is gone,' said Millarca, with a sigh.

"'She is gone,' I repeated to myself, for the first time--in the hurried

moments that had elapsed since my consent--reflecting upon the folly

of my act.

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