"How do you like our guest?" I asked, as soon as Madame entered. "Tell

me all about her?"

"I like her extremely," answered Madame, "she is, I almost think, the

prettiest creature I ever saw; about your age, and so gentle and nice."

"She is absolutely beautiful," threw in Mademoiselle, who had peeped for

a moment into the stranger's room.

"And such a sweet voice!" added Madame Perrodon.

"Did you remark a woman in the carriage, after it was set up again, who

did not get out," inquired Mademoiselle, "but only looked from

the window?"


"No, we had not seen her."

Then she described a hideous black woman, with a sort of colored turban

on her head, and who was gazing all the time from the carriage window,

nodding and grinning derisively towards the ladies, with gleaming eyes

and large white eyeballs, and her teeth set as if in fury.

"Did you remark what an ill-looking pack of men the servants were?"

asked Madame.

"Yes," said my father, who had just come in, "ugly, hang-dog looking

fellows as ever I beheld in my life. I hope they mayn't rob the poor

lady in the forest. They are clever rogues, however; they got everything

to rights in a minute."

"I dare say they are worn out with too long traveling," said Madame.

"Besides looking wicked, their faces were so strangely lean, and dark,

and sullen. I am very curious, I own; but I dare say the young lady will

tell you all about it tomorrow, if she is sufficiently recovered."

"I don't think she will," said my father, with a mysterious smile, and a

little nod of his head, as if he knew more about it than he cared

to tell us.

This made us all the more inquisitive as to what had passed between him

and the lady in the black velvet, in the brief but earnest interview

that had immediately preceded her departure.

We were scarcely alone, when I entreated him to tell me. He did not need

much pressing.

"There is no particular reason why I should not tell you. She expressed

a reluctance to trouble us with the care of her daughter, saying she was

in delicate health, and nervous, but not subject to any kind of

seizure--she volunteered that--nor to any illusion; being, in fact,

perfectly sane."

"How very odd to say all that!" I interpolated. "It was so unnecessary."

"At all events it was said," he laughed, "and as you wish to know all

that passed, which was indeed very little, I tell you. She then said, 'I

am making a long journey of vital importance--she emphasized the

word--rapid and secret; I shall return for my child in three months; in

the meantime, she will be silent as to who we are, whence we come, and

whither we are traveling.' That is all she said. She spoke very pure

French. When she said the word 'secret,' she paused for a few seconds,

looking sternly, her eyes fixed on mine. I fancy she makes a great point

of that. You saw how quickly she was gone. I hope I have not done a very

foolish thing, in taking charge of the young lady."

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