"But, sir, do you not know that I am ordered to Mexico, and must leave

within three days? I would see the end of this before I go," angrily

exclaimed Le Noir.

"Softly, softly, my child the colonel! 'Slow and sure!' 'Fair and easy

goes far in a day!'"

"In a word, will you do this business for me and do it promptly?"

"Surely, surely, my patron! But I insist upon time."

"But I go to Mexico in three days."

"All honor go with you, my colonel. Who would keep his friend from the

path of glory?"


"Perdition, sir, you trifle with me."

"Perdition, certainly, colonel; there I perfectly agree with you. But

the rest of your sentence is wrong; I don't trifle with you."

"What in the fiend's name do you mean?"

"Nothing in the name of any absent friend of ours. I mean simply that

you may go to--Mexico!"

"And--my business----"

"--Can be done just as well, perhaps better, without you. Recollect, if

you please, my colonel, that when you were absent with Harrison in the

West your great business was done here without you! And done better for

that very reason! No one even suspected your agency in that matter. The

person most benefited by the death of Eugene Le Noir was far enough

from the scene of his murder."

"Hush! Perdition seize you! Why do you speak of things so long past?"

exclaimed Le Noir, growing white to his very lips.

"To jog your worship's memory and suggest that your honor is the last

man who ought to complain of this delay, since it will be very well for

you to be in a distant land serving your country at the time that your

brother's heiress, whose property you illegally hold, is got out of

your way."

"There is something in that," mused Le Noir.

"There is all in that!"

"You have a good brain, Donald."

"What did I tell you? I ought to have been in the cabinet--and mean to

be, too! But, colonel, as I mean to conclude my part of the engagement,

I should like, for fear of accidents, that you conclude yours--and

settle with me before you go."

"What do you mean?"

"That you should fork over to me the remaining five thousand."

"I'll see you at the demon first," passionately exclaimed Le Noir.

"No, you won't, for in that case you'd have to make way with the girl

yourself, or see Old Hurricane make way with all your fortune."

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