The result of this conference was that the next morning, after

breakfast, Colonel Le Noir sent for Miss Day to come to him in the


When Clara, nerving her gentle heart to resist a sinful tyranny,

entered the library, Colonel Le Noir arose and courteously handed her

to a chair, and then, seating himself beside her, said: "My dear Clara, the responsibilities of a guardian are always very

onerous, and his duties not always very agreeable, especially when his

ward is the sole heiress of a large property and the object of pursuit

by fortune hunters and maneuverers, male and female. When such is the

case, the duties and responsibilities of the guardian are augmented a



"Sir, this cannot be so in my case, since you are perfectly aware that

my destiny is, humanly speaking, already decided," replied Clara, with

gentle firmness.

"As--how, I pray you, my fair ward?"

"You cannot possibly be at a loss to understand, sir. You have been

already advised that I am betrothed to Doctor Rocke, who will claim me

as his wife upon the day that I shall complete my twenty-first year."

"Miss Clara Day! no more of that, I beseech you! It is folly, perversity,

frenzy! But, thanks to the wisdom of legislators, the law very properly

invests the guardian with great latitude of discretionary power of the

person and property of his ward--to be used, of course, for that ward's

best interest. And thus, my dear Clara, it is my duty, while holding

this power over you, to exercise it for preventing the possibility of

your ever--either now or at any future time, throwing yourself away

upon a mere adventurer. To do this, I must provide you with a suitable

husband. My son, Mr. Craven Le Noir, has long loved and wooed you. He

is a young man of good reputation and fair prospects. I entirely

approve his suit, and as your guardian I command you to receive him for

your destined husband."

"Colonel Le Noir, this is no time 'for bated breath and whispered

humbleness.' I am but a simple girl of seventeen, but I understand your

purpose and that of your son just as well as though I were an old man

of the world. You are the fortune hunters and maneuverers! It is the

fortune of the wealthy heiress and friendless orphan that you are in

pursuit of! But that fortune, like my hand and heart, is already

promised to one I love; and, to speak very plainly to you, I would die

ere I would disappoint him or wed your son," said Clara, with

invincible firmness.

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