Wool, with chattering teeth, shaking knees and trembling fingers,

assisted his master in his morning toilet, meditating the while whether

it were not better to avoid impending dangers by running away.

And, in fact, between his master and his mistress, Wool had a hot time

of it. The weather, after the storm had cleared the atmosphere, was

delightful, and Cap rode out that very day. Poor Wool kept his eyeballs

metaphorically "skinned," for fear they should be treated literally

so--held his eyes wide open, lest Old Hurricane should keep his word

and make it impossible for him ever to shut them.

When Cap stole out, mounted her horse and rode away, in five minutes


from the moment of starting she heard a horse's hoofs behind her, and

presently saw Wool gallop to her side.

At first Cap bore this good-humoredly enough, only saying: "Go home, Wool, I don't want you; I had much rather ride alone."

To which the groom replied: "It is old marse's orders, miss, as I should wait on you."

Capitola's spirit rebelled against this; and, suddenly turning upon her

attendant, she indignantly exclaimed: "Wool, I don't want you, sir; I insist upon being left alone, and I

order you to go home, sir!"

Upon this Wool burst into tears and roared.

Much surprised, Capitola inquired of him what the matter was.

For some time Wool could only reply by sobbing, but when he was able to

articulate he blubbered forth: "It's nuf to make anybody go put his head under a meat-ax, so it is!"

"What is the matter, Wool?" again inquired Capitola.

"How'd you like to have your eyelids cut off?" howled Wool,


"What?" inquired Capitola.

"Yes; I axes how'd you like to have your eyelids cut off? Case that's

what ole marse t'reatens to do long o' me, if I don't follow arter you

and keep you in sight. And now you forbids of me to do it, and--and--and

I'll go and put my neck right underneaf a meat-ax!"

Now, Capitola was really kind-hearted, and, well knowing the despotic

temper of her guardian, she pitied Wool, and after a little hesitation

she said: "Wool, so your old master says if you don't keep your eyes on me he'll

cut your eyelids off?"

"Ye--ye--yes, miss," sobbed Wool.

"Did he say if you didn't listen to me he'd cut your ears off?"

"N--n--no, miss."

"Did he swear if you didn't talk to me he'd cut your tongue out?"

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