When Cap heard this she burst into tears and said she believed it was


The night before the wedding of Capitola and Herbert, and Clara and

Traverse, and of the execution of Black Donald, came.

At Hurricane Hall the two prospective bridegrooms were busy with Old

Hurricane over some papers that had to be prepared in the library.

The two intended brides were engaged, under the direction of Mrs.

Warfield, in her dressing-room, consulting over certain proprieties of

the approaching festival. But Capitola could give only a half attention

to the discussion. Her thoughts were with the poor condemned man who


was to die the next day.

And suddenly she flew out of the room, summoned her groom, mounted her

horse, and rode away.

In his condemned cell Black Donald was bitterly realizing how

unprepared he was to die, and how utterly impossible it was for him to

prepare in the short hours left him. He tried to pray, but could form

no other petition than that he might be allowed, if possible, a little

longer to fit himself to meet his Creator. From his cell he could hear

the striking of the great clock in the prison hall. And as every hour

struck it seemed "a nail driven in his coffin."

At eight o'clock that night the warden sat in his little office,

consulting the sheriff about some details of the approaching execution.

While they were still in discussion, a turnkey opened the door, saying: "A lady to see the warden."

And Capitola stood before them!

"Miss Black!" exclaimed both sheriff and warden, rising in surprise,

gazing upon our heroine, and addressing her by the name under which

they had first known her.

"Yes, gentlemen, it is I. The truth is, I cannot rest to-night without

saying a few words of comfort to the poor man who is to die to-morrow.

So I came hither, attended by my groom, to know if I may see him for a

few minutes."

"Miss Black, here is the sheriff. It is just as he pleases. My orders

were so strict that had you come to me alone I should have been obliged

to refuse you."

"Mr. Keepe, you will not refuse me," said Capitola, turning to the


"Miss Black, my rule is to admit no one but the officers of the prison

and the ministers of the gospel, to see the condemned! This we have

been obliged to observe as a measure of safety. This convict, as you

are aware, is a man of consummate cunning, so that it is really

wonderful he has not found means to make his escape, closely as he has

been watched and strongly as he has been guarded."

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