They did all they could to bring the outlaw to a sense of his

condition, to prepare him to meet his fate and to induce him to make a

confession and give up the retreat of his band.

And Donald listened to them with respect, acknowledged himself a great

sinner, and knelt with them when they knelt to pray for him.

But he denied that he was guilty of the murders for which he had been

doomed to die, and he utterly refused to give up his old companions,

replying to the ministers in something like these words: "Poor wretches! They are no more fit to die than I am, and a condemned

cell, with the thought of the scaffold before him, are not exactly the

most favorable circumstances under which a man might experience sincere


repentance, my masters!"

And so, while the convict listened with docility to all that the

ministers had to say, he steadily persisted in asserting his own

innocence of the crimes for which he was condemned, and in his refusal

to deliver up his companions.

Meantime, Capitola, at Hurricane Hall, was doing all she could to

discover or invent means to save the life of Black Donald. But still

she said no more about it even to Old Hurricane.

One evening, while Cap was sitting by the fire with her thoughts busy

with this subject, her uncle came in saying: "Cap, I have got some curiosities to show you!"

"What are they?" said Cap, languidly.

"A set of burglar's tools, supposed to belong to some member of Black

Donald's band! One of my negroes found them in the woods in the

neighborhood of the Devil's Punch Bowl! I wrote to the sheriff

concerning them, and he requested me to take care of them until he

should have occasion to call for them. Look! Did you ever see such

things?" said Old Hurricane, setting down a canvas bag upon the table

and turning out from it all sorts of strange looking instruments--tiny

saws, files, punches, screws, picks, etc., etc., etc.

Cap looked at them with the most curious interest, while Old Hurricane

explained their supposed uses.

"It must have been an instrument of this sort, Cap, that that blamed

demon, Donald, gave to the imprisoned men to file their fetters off

with!" he said, showing a thin file of tempered steel.

"That!" said Cap. "Hand it here! Let me see it!" And she examined it

with the deepest interest.

"I wonder what they force locks with?" she inquired.

"Why, this, and this, and this!" said Old Hurricane, producing a

burglar's pick, saw and chisel.

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