Patty obeyed, and came back smiling and saying: "Miss Caterpillar, has you hern de news?"

"What news, Pat?"

"How us has got a new neighbor--a bootiful young gal--as bootiful as a

picter in a gilt-edged Christmas book--wid a snowy skin, and sky-blue

eyes and glistenin' goldy hair, like the princess you was a readin' me

about, all in deep mournin' and a weepin' and a weepin' all alone down

there in that wicked, lonesome, onlawful ole haunted place, the Hidden

House, along of old Colonel Le Noir and old Dorkey Knight, and the

ghost as draws people's curtains of a night, just for all de worl' like

dat same princess in de ogre's castle!"


"What on earth is all this rigmarole about? Are you dreaming or


"I'm a-telling on you de bressed trufe! Dere's a young lady a-livin at

de Hidden House!"

"Eh? Is that really true, Patty?"

"True as preaching, miss."

"Then, I am very glad of it! I shall certainly ride over and call on

the stranger," said Capitola, gaily.

"Oh, Miss Cap! Oh, miss, don't you do no sich thing! Ole Marse kill me!

I heerd him t'reaten all de men and maids how if dey telled you

anything 'bout de new neighbor, how he'd skin dem alive!"

"Won't he skin you?" asked Cap.

"No, miss, not 'less you 'form ag'in me, 'case he didn't tell me not to

tell you, 'case you see he didn't think how I knowed! But, leastways, I

know from what I heard, ole marse wouldn't have you to know nothin'

about it, no, not for de whole worl'."

"He does not want me to call at the Hidden House! That's it! Now why

doesn't he wish me to call there? I shall have to go in order to find

out, and so I will," thought Cap.

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