"Friends! ah, young man, do you really suppose that if I had had

friends I should have been left thus long unsought? I have no friends,

Doctor Rocke, except yourself, newly sent me by the Lord; nor any

relatives except a young daughter whom I have seen but twice in my

life!--once upon the dreadful night when she was born and torn away

from my sight and once about two years ago, when she must have been

sixteen years of age. My little daughter does not know that she has a

poor mother living, and I have no friend upon earth but you, whom the

Lord has sent."

"And not in vain!" said Traverse, fervently, "though you have no other


friends, yet you have the law to protect you. I will make your case

known and restore you to liberty. Then, lady, listen: I have a good

mother, to whom suffering has taught sympathy with the unfortunate, and

I have a lovely betrothed bride, whom you will forgive her lover for

thinking an angel in woman's form; and we have a beautiful home among

the hills of Virginia, and you shall add to our happiness by living

with us."

The lady looked at Traverse Rocke with astonishment and incredulity.

"Boy," she said, "do you know what you are promising--to assume the

whole burthen of the support of a useless woman for her whole life?

What would your mother or your promised wife say to such a


"Ah! you do not know my dear mother nor my Clara--no, nor even me. I

tell you the truth when I say that your coming among us would make us

happier. Oh, Madam, I myself owe so much to the Lord and to His

instruments, the benevolent of this world, for all that has been done

for me. I seize with gratitude the chance to serve in my turn any of

His suffering children. Pray believe me!"

"I do! I do, Doctor Rocke! I see that life has not deprived you of a

generous, youthful enthusiasm," said the lady, with the tears welling

up into her glorious black eyes.

After a little, with a smile, she held out her hand to him, saying: "Young friend, if you should succeed in freeing me from this prison and

establishing my sanity before a court of justice, I and my daughter

will come into the immediate possession of one of the largest estates

in your native Virginia! Sit you down, Doctor Rocke, while I tell you

my true story, and much, very much more of it than I have ever confided

to any human being."

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