"Traverse," said Major Greyson, "did it never occur to you that you

must have other relatives in the world besides your mother? Well, I

suspect that those checks were sent by some relative of yours or your

mother's, who just begins to remember that he has been neglecting you."

"Herbert, do you know this?" inquired Traverse, anxiously.

"No, I do not know it; I only suspect this to be the case," said

Herbert, evasively. "But what is that which you are forgetting?"

"Oh! this--yes, I had forgotten it. Let us see what it is!" said

Traverse, examining a paper that had rested unobserved upon the stand.

"This is an order for my discharge, signed by the Secretary of War, and


dated--ha--ha--ha--two years ago! Here I have been serving two years

illegally, and if I had been convicted of neglect of duty in sleeping

on my post, I should have been shot unlawfully, as that man, when he

prosecuted me, knew perfectly well!" exclaimed Traverse.

"That man, as I said before, lies upon his deathbed! Remember, nothing

against him! But that order for a discharge! now that you are in the

way of promotion and the war is over, will you take advantage of it?"

"Decidedly, yes! for though I am said to have acquitted myself passably

well at Chapultepec----"

"Gloriously, Traverse! You won your colors gloriously!"

"Yet for all that my true mission is not to break men's bones, but to

set them when broken. Not to take men's lives, but to save them when

endangered! So to-morrow morning, please Providence, I shall present

this order to General Butler and apply for my discharge."

"And you will set out immediately for home?"

The face of Traverse suddenly changed.

"I should like to do so! Oh, how I should like to see my dear mother

and Clara, if only for a day! but I must not indulge the longing of my

heart. I must not go home until I can do so with honor!"

"And can you not do so now? You, who triumphed over all your personal

enemies and who won your colors at Chapultepec?"

"No, for all this was in my legitimate profession! Nor will I present

myself at home until, by the blessing of the Lord, I have done what I

set out to do, and established myself in a good practice. And so, by

the help of heaven, I hope within one week to be on my way to New

Orleans to try my fortune in that city."

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