"Donald, do not sink your soul to perdition by a crime that heaven

cannot pardon! Listen to me! I have jewels here worth several thousand

dollars! If you will consent to go I will give them all to you and let

you quietly out of the front door and never say one word to mortal of

what has passed here to-night."

"Ha, ha, ha! Why, my dear, how green you must think me! What hinders me

from possessing myself of your jewels, as well as of yourself!" said

Black Donald, impatiently rising.

"Sit still! The five minutes' grace are not half out yet," said

Capitola, in a breathless voice.


"So they are not! I will keep my promise," replied Black Donald,

laughing, and again dropping into his seat.

"Donald, Uncle pays me a quarterly sum for pocket money, which is at

least five times as much as I can spend in this quiet country place. It

has been accumulating for years until now I have several thousand

dollars all of my own. You shall have it if you will only go quietly

away and leave me in peace!" prayed Capitola.

"My dear, I intend to take that anyhow--take it as your bridal dower,

you know! For I'm going to carry you off and make an honest wife of


"Donald, give up this heinous purpose!" cried Capitola, in an agony of

supplication, as she leaned over the back of the outlaw's chair.

"Yes, you know I will--ha--ha--ha!" laughed the robber.

"Man, for your own sake give it up!"

"Ha, ha, ha! for my sake!"

"Yes, for yours! Black Donald, have you ever reflected on death?" asked

Capitola, in a low and terrible voice.

"I have risked it often enough; but as to reflecting upon it--it will

be time enough to do that when it comes! I am a powerful man, in the

prime and pride of life," said the athlete, stretching himself


"Yet it might come--death might come with sudden overwhelming power,

and hurl you to destruction! What a terrible thing for this magnificent

frame of yours, this glorious handiwork of the Creator, to be hurled to

swift destruction, and for the soul that animates it to be cast into


"Bosh again! That is a subject for the pulpit, not for a pretty girl's

room. If you really think me such a handsome man, why don't you go with

me at once and say no more about it," roared the outlaw laughing.

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