"So you did, my hero!"

"Ah, but well as you liked me, the moment you thought me in your power

didn't you leap upon my shoulders like a catamount and cling there,

shouting to all the world to come and help you, for you had caught

Black Donald and would die before you would give him up? Ah! you little

vampire, how you thirsted for my blood! And you pretended to like me!"

said Black Donald, eying her from head to foot, with a sly leer.

Cap returned the look with interest. Dropping her head on one side, she

glanced upward from the corner of her eye, with an expression of

"infinite" mischief and roguery, saying: "Lor, didn't you know why I did that?"


"Because you wanted me captured, I suppose."

"No, indeed, but, because----"

"Well, what?"

"Because I wanted you to carry me off!"

"Well, I declare! I never thought of that!" said the outlaw, dropping

his bread and cheese, and staring at the young girl.

"Well, you might have thought of it then! I was tired of hum-drum life,

and I wanted to see adventures!" said Cap.

Black Donald looked at the mad girl from head to foot and then said,

coolly: "Miss Black, I am afraid you are not good."

"Yes I am--before folks!" said Cap.

"And so you really wished me to carry you off?"

"I should think so! Didn't I stick to you until you dropped me?"

"Certainly! And now if you really like me as well as you say you do,

come give me a kiss."

"I won't!" said Cap, "until you have done your supper and washed your

face! Your beard is full of crumbs!"

"Very well, I can wait awhile! Meantime just brew me a bowl of egg-nog,

by way of a night-cap, will you?" said the outlaw, drawing off his

boots and stretching his feet to the fire.

"Agreed, but it takes two to make egg-nog; you'll have to whisk up the

whites of the eggs into a froth, while I beat the yellows, and mix the

other ingredients," said Cap.

"Just so," assented the outlaw, standing up and taking off his coat and

flinging it upon the floor.

Cap shuddered, but went on calmly with her preparations. There were two

little white bowls setting one within the other upon the table. Cap

took them apart and set them side by side and began to break the eggs,

letting the whites slip into one bowl and dropping the yellows into the


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