While the colonel spoke Marah Rocke gazed at him in a panic from which

she seemed unable to rouse herself, until Traverse gravely took her

hand, saying: "My dear mother, let me conduct you from the presence of this man, who

does not know how to behave himself toward women. Leave me to talk with

him, and do you, dear mother, go to Miss Day, who I know is waiting for


Marah Rocke mechanically complied and allowed Traverse to lead her from

the room.

When he returned he went up to Colonel Le Noir, and, standing before

him and looking him full and sternly in the face, said, as sternly: "Colonel Le Noir, my mother will remain here and abide the decision of


the Orphans' Court; until that has been pronounced, she does not stir

at your or any man's bidding!"

"Villain, out of my way!" sneered Le Noir, endeavoring to pass him.

Traverse prevented him, saying: "Sir, in consideration of your age, which should be venerable, your

position which should prove you honorable, and of this sacred house of

mourning in which you stand, I have endeavored to meet all the insults

you have offered me with forbearance. But, sir, I am here to defend my

mother's rights and to protect her from insult! And I tell you plainly

that you have affronted her for the very last time! One more word or

look of insult leveled at Marah Rocke and neither your age, position

nor this sacred roof shall protect you from personal chastisement at

the hands of her son!"

Le Noir, who had listened in angry scorn, with many an ejaculation of

contempt, now at the conclusion which so galled his pride, broke out

furiously, with: "Sir, you are a bully! If you were a gentleman I would call you out!"

"And I should not come if you did, sir! Dueling is unchristian,

barbarous and abominable in the sight of God and all good men. For the

rest you may call me anything you please; but do not again insult my

mother, for if you do I shall hold it a Christian duty to teach you

better manners," said Traverse, coolly taking his hat and walking from

the room. He mounted his horse and stood ready to attend Clara to


Colonel Le Noir ground his teeth in impotent rage, muttering: "Take care, young man! I shall live to be revenged upon you yet for

these affronts!" and his dastard heart burned with the fiercer

malignity that he had not dared to meet the eagle eye, or encounter the

strong arm of the upright and stalwart young man. Gnashing his teeth

with ill-suppressed fury, he strode into the hall just as Mrs. Rocke

and Clara, in her traveling dress, descended the stairs.

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