She followed Vince's feet but then looked up to see his eyes shining. Maybe he was thinking about the song too. She kept silent in that moment as the song finished, but as soon as it did, she broke away and made her way back over to the sidewalk. She wrapped her arms around her body as goose bumps gave her chills.

Vince followed Clarke and smiled at her. "So, are you having fun?"

"Yes, thank you," she said softly. "For more than just this. I don't think I could've held it together at that dinner party if it weren't for you, though I'm sorry you had to see that."

"All I saw was an insecure woman who doesn't know quite how to be a mother and a daughter struggling for approval that she doesn't need," Vince replied. Clarke smiled up at him, liking the way he described things. He was so good at making the hardest things seem so simple.

"I think I better get home now. Thanks for showing me your world," she said, walking towards where the car was parked.

"This isn't my world, Clarke. The whole world is my world. The same goes for you. This was only my second time here." He added the last part like an afterthought. She looked at him in shock as he smiled, his dimples digging in again looking too sexy.

There was something contagious about the man's smile that made her happy yet uneasy at the same time. She had never been in a real relationship with a man before because she never thought that they were permanent….men and love doesn't last, at least that was what she gathered from her mother. Love and love's expectation had turned against her mother and made her a bitter woman.

Clarke snapped out of her trailing thoughts to see Vince starring at her And when he bent down and kissed her, it caught Clarke by surprise but she found that she was enjoying the kiss. His lips were soft and yet commanding. He nibbled her lower lip and suck intermittently until her entire lips were flushed. His tongue started to tease her encouraging her to open up to him, so much so that soon all her negative thoughts were forgotten.

They were quiet all the way home but it was not an awkward silence which seems funny to Clarke. When they entered Clarke's house, Vince leaned into her and started kissing her as if they had not left the car park. She pressed herself closely to him, all this time their tongues and lips exploring one another. She was backed up against the wall, and his long fingers slid down on her back lightly squeezing her round buttocks and pulling her even closer to him..

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