Clarke looked around, feeling lost. She'd never had beer; only wine and champagne. She had always thought it was more of a guy thing. "I have no idea what you're talking about," she admitted, looking at Vince apologetically.

To her surprise, he didn't ask questions or make fun of her. Instead, he took her around to each area and let her take a little sip before she decided, explaining each type. "Wow, this one is really good, actually. I thought beer was supposed to taste like piss and rubbing alcohol or something," she commented after trying one of the amber ales.

"Well, look at that; Clarke is trying something new and likes it," he teased. "Fill up your cup if you like it. I'm going to go get some lager." She watched him walk away and blushed guiltily as she noticed how nice his ass looked in his jeans.

She placed her glass under the tap and wondered what was on the agenda next as a Miranda Lambert song blared through the speakers, causing a group of barely legal young women to squeal happily and start singing along and out of tune. She had a feeling they'd had more than their fair share of beer.

She sipped at her beer as Vince came back to her side with his glass filled to the brim with a dark liquid. It was almost the color of coffee. When she had tried it, it left a bitter taste in her mouth. "I don't know how you can stand that stuff," she said, wrinkling up her nose. It even smelled bitter. He looked over at her with a sly grin before dumping the rest back down his throat. He set the glass down on a table behind him, looking triumphant.

Clarke took that as a challenge and decided to down the rest of her drink as well. She tilted her head back and gulped it down. But as she brought the glass back down, she almost tripped on her own two feet; her head swimming dizzily. Vince steadied her and took the glass from her hands for her. "I guess I wasn't quite ready for that yet," she said with a soft chuckle. "So, what's next?" she asked, looking around.

Vince looked down at her and laughed, removing his hands from her. It left her feeling a little cold. "How about that?" Vince pointed out the window where a bunch of people had blocked the street and started line dancing to the song playing over the speakers. She wasn't really one to dance, especially in front of people or to country music, but she had to admit they all looked like they were having a good time.

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