“Fuck off,” Eve snapped.

That was when Cain noticed the gun. The guard—Barnes again, that jerk just loved being Wyatt’s lackey—had his weapon trained right on Eve.

Wyatt laughed. “Actually, my dear, that’s why you’re here.”

Eve blinked.

“I think Subject Thirteen—”

“Cain,” Eve spat the name at him. She was a feisty one. Cain rather liked that. “The guy has a name. It’s Cain. Try using it.”

Wyatt waved his hand. “I think Subject Thirteen wants to f**k you.”

Her jaw dropped.

Cain didn’t move. I do. But he had his control. He had—

“Anger rouses his fire.” Wyatt was walking around the room. Studying Cain with his head tilted to the side and his fingers drumming against his chin. “So I’m curious to see if passion will do the same.”

Come closer, bastard. Just a little closer . . .


One touch, and this could all be over.

Wyatt pointed at Cain. “I’m figuring you out.”


“I think I even know what you are.”

Was he supposed to be worried?

“All that power . . .” Wyatt shook his head and his hand fell to his side. “We’re going to change the world.”

Screw that. “When I break out of here, I’m killing you.” A promise.

Eve tried to edge back toward the door. The guard stopped her.

“You’re not leaving us, Ms. Bradley. You’re the one who begged me to postpone the drowning experiment for the day.” Wyatt straightened his lab coat. Like the thing hadn’t already been straight. The guy and his control—he was always so perfectly controlled. “Because I’m feeling charitable, I’ll defer to your wishes this time.”

Lying jerk. This was all part of his plan, one of his sick games.

Wyatt continued, “Since I can’t enjoy that particular experiment, I’ll just have to substitute it for another.”

“I’m human,” she gritted out. “I’m not part of any experiment that you—”

“Today, you are the experiment.”

Cain would enjoy frying him.

Wyatt sent him an assessing stare. “I told you, I really did come offering a present today.” He paused. “You wanted her. She’s yours . . . for the next hour.”

“What?” Eve’s shriek. “Uh, yeah, I’m not some kind of—”

“Stay with him . . . or you can spend the next hour in the cell with the vampire I haven’t fed for six weeks.”

Cain saw her flinch.

A starving vampire? Her delicate neck? Hell, no.

Eve cleared her throat. “I think—I think I’ll just be choosing option A, if you don’t mind. Vamps and me—we don’t exactly get along.”

She shouldn’t have told that to the doctor. Wyatt would just use that information against her later on. He loved to know what his experiments feared and what they craved.

The doctor turned and began to brush by Eve.

She stumbled into him, hard enough that they both nearly fell to the ground. “Don’t,” Eve said, voice high. “Don’t leave me with him. You know what he can do. He’ll burn me!”

Cain didn’t move.

The guard and Wyatt pried her hands loose. When she tried to hold on, Barnes shoved the butt of his gun into her side.

Cain snarled.

Barnes froze, then turned his head very slowly and looked at Cain.

You’re dead.

Eve was on the floor. Not begging anymore. Not moving.

Wyatt smiled. “Have fun.” Then he left. Barnes followed him and pulled the door shut. Cain heard the click of the lock sliding into place as the cell was secured. Eve remained crouched on the floor, one arm curled protectively over her body.

Her scent began to fill the air. The woman truly did smell like candy . . . and he’d so enjoyed the treat. He could still feel her mouth on his.

He could also feel the other eyes on them. Wyatt. Watching. Enjoying another insane experiment.

“I-I have a boyfriend.” Eve sounded scared. Probably because she had to be f**king terrified. “So, um, whatever you think is going to happen here”—she glanced back at the two-way mirror—“it’s not. My cop boyfriend is going to hunt me down and kick your asses!”

Ah, now she wasn’t sounding afraid. The bite in her words almost made him want to smile.

“Be more accommodating . . .” Wyatt’s voice ordered as the intercom crackled on. “Or you’ll be feeding the vampire.”

She rose to her feet. Her arm still curved over her body. “Whoring me out . . . nice touch, Doctor Wyatt. Classy.”

Cain didn’t move. Just watched her. Waited. Wyatt had read him well. He did want her, but he had to be careful.

He didn’t want to hurt her.

But she was coming closer to him. Bringing her sweet scent and staring at him with—with no fear in her eyes. Her back was to the mirror now, and a faint smile curved her lips.

This woman didn’t look scared. Didn’t look angry. She looked damned pleased with herself.

“But I guess . . .” she said, voice carrying, “if there’s no choice . . .”

Her arms wrapped around him. Slightly cool, her touch nonetheless blazed right through him. “If there’s no choice,” she said again, voice softer for just him, “then I guess we have to do whatever’s necessary to survive.”

She pressed her lips to his.


Eve knew the role that she had to play, and she was willing to do her part, up to a point. So she rose onto her tiptoes and pressed her mouth against Cain’s.

Even as her hand unfurled against his, she pressed the keys to his chains into his palm.

Yeah, she hadn’t been some pathetic, hopeless weeping machine for nothing. She’d used that time to get close to Wyatt. While he’d been trying to pry her loose, she’d been relieving him of his keys.

That summer of pickpocketing didn’t feel quite so shameful right then.

Her lips moved softly on Cain’s. Just pretending. Just keeping up appearances until he could unlock those cuffs.

Then he’d better get them the hell out of there.

Only . . . only Cain wasn’t using the keys to break loose. His arms were wrapping around her, pulling her tighter against him. His mouth hardened on hers, became rougher. More demanding.

She brought her hand up between them. He was hot to the touch. “Cain—”

“They’re watching.” His voice was an almost soundless whisper. “Not yet . . .”

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