Sitting on the bed, she removed her shoes. He appeared in the doorway, brooding and unnerving. “You’re looking at me funny. Yeah, I know blurting that out and then walking away was kind of weird. But we both know I’m weird, so give me some space to do strange stuff without judging me.” She huffed. “You’re still looking at me funny.”

He glided into the room in that predatory way that he had. “You told me something that was difficult for you to say. I know it was hard, because I know you don’t like to be vulnerable to people. And the best way to guard yourself is to not let them see you, and to not let them see how much you care.”

“Just for the record, I don’t like that you’re so perceptive,” she griped.

“It would be selfish and spineless to not give you some honesty in return. Selfish? I’m that. But I’m not spineless.”

She stilled as a buzz vibrated in the air…much like that time in the alley with the practitioners. As though something was charging up, gathering in power. And she knew then that he was going to tell her what he was. No, he was going to show her. Her inner demon went on high alert, both curious and wary.

Just as it had in the alley, the power purred against Harper’s skin and made her eyes burn, her teeth rattle, her ears ring, and her chest tighten. His predatory stare was wholly focused on her, danger in every line and curve of his face. He didn’t look like Knox then, he seemed like a total stranger. Her heart slammed against her ribs. And suddenly, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to know what he was.

With a roar, flames erupted from the ground. Gold, red, and black, they swirled around Knox, engulfing him until she couldn’t see him. What the fuck? No, not even he could survive them. She moved towards him desperately, but the heat was just so blistering and she—

And then she saw it: a figure of raging flames stood inside the fire. She couldn’t help but gawk as her heart pounded so frantically it hurt. Her inner demon was shock-still. There was only one thing that could withstand the flames of hell…because it was the only thing that was born from the flames of hell. Her breath caught in her throat. “Archdemon.”

Just as archangels were born in heaven and served God, archdemons were born in hell. But they weren’t there to serve Lucifer as many religions believed. They were there to serve hell itself. Born from the flames, their purpose was to command, control, and destroy.

That was when it occurred to her…She’d thought he was charging up before. No, the power hadn’t been building – it was straining to get free. And he was repressing it. She couldn’t understand how anyone could repress that level of power. But then, he was an archdemon.

A fucking archdemon.


The flames calmed, slowly easing and lowering until all that was left was a figure of pure fire. Then the fire…it was like it peeled away from Knox’s flesh. His clothes were surprisingly still intact.

He cricked his neck, his dark eyes glittering with danger. “I don’t just call on the flames of hell, Harper. I am the flames of hell.”


What the fuck was she supposed to say to that?

Harper wasn’t sure she even could speak. Shock had her rooted in place, gawking unattractively. Since meeting Knox, she’d come up with dozens of theories of just what breed he could be. None of those theories were all that inventive, but she still considered them much more realistic than the guy being an archdemon. Even her inner demon was in shock.

Considered too powerful to live on Earth after a rogue archdemon almost destroyed it, the decision had long ago been made to keep them in the very place they were born. Yet, here Knox was. An archdemon. A motherfucking archdemon.

No matter how many times the word circulated through her mind, she couldn’t wrap her head around it. She couldn’t reconcile the Knox she knew and cared for with creatures that, according to everything she’d been taught, were almost as cold and conscienceless as the inner demons they carried.

“You never suspected, did you? Nobody ever does. Poor, poor Harper’s not sure she likes the reality of what I am.”

Harper narrowed her eyes at the deliberate bite to his words. He was taunting her, meant to scare her. He was pushing to see if she’d run. Her demon didn’t like it any more than Harper did.

“Ignorance is quite often bliss, isn’t it?” He cocked his head. “Your heartbeat sounds something like a rabid racehorse.”

Well forgive her if she was just a little spooked to find out her mate was part of the fabric of hell.

“Look at you. Eyes wide. Body frozen in place. Like every good, well-behaved prey.”

Okay, now he was just pissing her off. “I’m nobody’s prey,” she snapped.

One brow slid up. “Oh?”

“And you’re being an asshole.” Going on the attack as a form of defense. She understand why, of course. He was expecting disbelief, terror, and finally rejection. And she realized now that he hadn’t withheld the knowledge from her because he thought little of her. It was because of just how dark and frightening the truth really was.

“Asshole?” His chuckle was humorless, almost bitter. “I’d say I’m much worse than that. Wouldn’t you?”

“Yeah. You’re also a dick.”

His face hardened. “What am I, Harper? Admit it.” It was a demand and a dare. “Admit it.”

“You’re an archdemon.” A breed that was malignant, callous, pitiless, and unforgiving. But…“I don’t care. Big motherfucking deal.”

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