But then, would anyone imagine their anchor being who was potentially the most powerful of their kind? Doubtful.

Despite knowing that about him, Harper didn’t fear him. She couldn’t deny that he unbalanced her. And she had to admit that she found him a little overwhelming. But even before she’d known he was her anchor, there had been none of what would be considered very rational, plausible fear. So either she’d sensed who he was to her on a subconscious level, or this was just part of her not being smart.

Still, she couldn’t say she was eager to bond with him. Not just because of all she’d heard about him, but because there was no doubting that Knox Thorne would be hard to have as an anchor. Just fifteen minutes in his company was enough to tell her that he was controlling, authoritative, and wanted what he wanted exactly when he wanted it. He’d interfere in her life and dictate to her. Being that she was stubborn, willful, and contrary – traits she was proud of – she’d drive him insane.

Having spent most of her life traveling with an emotionally immature nomad for a father, she’d taken most of her leaps in life all on her own. She had become so independent that she found it both difficult and uncomfortable to have people do things for her. Being alone was her comfort zone, it was what she knew. That kind of thing didn’t go hand-in-hand with having an anchor like Knox Thorne.

There was also a little complication she would bet that Knox wasn’t aware of; something that could mean he would decide not to accept her as his anchor anyway. She supposed she’d find out soon enough.

In the meantime, she needed to know more about him. Settling on the sofa, she pulled out her cell phone and dialed a familiar number. “Hey, Grams.”

“Hello, sweetheart.” Jolene Wallis might be a bossy, meddling, master manipulator that even Lucifer found hard to deal with, but she loved and protected her family ferociously. She had also trained and prepared Harper to take over as Prime one day, but it was a position that held no appeal for Harper.

“How are you doing?”

“Fine,” replied Jolene. “You sound tired.”

“It’s been a long, busy day at work.” And an even busier night.

There was a heavy, frustrated sigh. “I teach you to lie, steal, extort, embezzle, commit identify theft, and hack into bank accounts. And what do you do? Get a job.”


Harper rolled her eyes. “Anyway…I called to tell you that, um…I found my anchor.”

“Really? Who is the lucky bastard?”

“You’ve actually met him.”

“Well, don’t keep me in suspense. You know I don’t like that.”

“It’s Knox Thorne.” Total silence greeted that announcement. “Grams, you there?”

Another heavy sigh. “I suppose I should have anticipated that your anchor would be someone strong-minded and powerful. They would be no match for you if they weren’t.”

“You don’t disapprove?”

“Knox Thorne is a powerful demon who will do whatever he has to do for those under his protection – and that now includes you. How can I disapprove of that? Quick warning: he won’t accept any of your ‘I don’t want an anchor’ shit if he wants the bond bad enough.”

“Yeah, I know. But there’s a lot I don’t know. I’ve heard rumors about him, but that’s all. I need some facts.”

“Well, he has one of the largest lairs and, from all accounts, is a very protective Prime who polices his demons well. He runs a pretty tight ship. I’ve heard many tales of his versions of ‘punishment.’ Not so long ago, one of his demons was kidnapped by vampires. Knox hunted the vampire responsible, subjected her to gruesome torture, placed her in a solid brass coffin and then set a fire beneath it.”

“I heard a little about that.”

“He can be merciless and brutal. And if you ask me, he’s even more powerful than we believe. But he’s never caused our family any problems. He doesn’t war with other lairs. He could have abused his power by trying to rule at least the U.S., if not the world. But he hasn’t. Not like this Isla-bitch who’s been making plenty of noise lately – she’s cold and greedy for everything that represents power. Knox isn’t like that, which says a lot about him.”

“What do you think he is?”

“I don’t know. Some think he’s simply an extremely powerful incubus, given his incredible allure.”

Harper didn’t believe that. He was something…more. Something she instinctively knew she’d never encountered before.

“In any case, don’t let Knox or his demon bully you. Any weakness you show will be pounced on. I’m not saying provoke him or lose your wariness of him – anything that dangerous should be watched carefully. But don’t be afraid to stand your ground.”

“It’s likely that I’ll piss him off.”

Jolene cackled. “Of course you will. You’re a Wallis. That’s what we do.” A pause. “It’s safe to say that Carla isn’t going to like you being Knox’s anchor, whether you form the bond or not.”

“Don’t think I don’t know that you’re smiling right now.”

“Anything that causes that bitch upset is worth smiling about. If she gives you any trouble, you call me.”

So that Jolene could turn the woman’s house into rubble? It was tempting, but it would only cause problems. “She’s not worth it, Grams.”

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