It wasn’t because she was his anchor, it was because she was Harper. He had always considered himself too emotionally disconnected to ever want a mate. Especially since he was so restless and discontented despite having everything he wanted…or maybe it was because he had everything he wanted. The fact was that he was just as attached to Harper as his demon was. Neither he nor the predator within him was willing to give her up. “There’s no going back.”

As he bent to lick over the brand circling her breast, she asked, “You’re not going to ask me what I want?”

“No.” He latched onto her nipple, sucking hard. “It’s not relevant.”

“What do you mean it’s not relevant?”

Her prickly tone made him smile. “You know how our kind works. They never give up what’s theirs. Do you honestly think that anything you say would make me walk away?”

“Did it occur to you that I might not want to walk away?”

Not really. His little sphinx had a lot of issues. “Are you telling me that, for once, you’re going to accept a claim on you without a struggle? That you want me as your mate?”

“Well, yeah. I can’t exactly struggle when me and my demon are just as gone for you and yours, can I?” The crooked smile that always heated her blood surfaced on his face.

“No, you can’t.” He rolled her onto her back, hiked up one leg, and drove himself deep. “All mine.”

If there was one thing capable of shitting on Knox’s mood, it was coming out of the shower to hear Harper arguing with an irritating fucker via her cell phone. ‘Royce the Rodent’ Khloë called him. Knox thought it was an accurate description. The human persisted in sending Harper apologetic text messages that she pointedly ignored. But the silent treatment didn’t seem to be working, because he was bothering her again. The human definitely needed dealing with.

As she ended the call and turned to Knox, her expression inscrutable, he growled, “The human?”


Harper nodded. “I told him he has to be mistaken but…he said there are snakes outside my apartment.”

Nothing she said could have shocked Knox more. “There are, what?”

“I gotta go there.”

Minutes later, Levi drove them and Tanner to her apartment. As they pulled up outside and she caught a glimpse of exotic-looking snakes slithering over her front door, she shuddered. “That’s just freaky.”

Royce, who was leaning against what was presumably his car, came rushing over as they exited the Bentley. “I told you I wasn’t lying. Do we call pest control?”

Knox dismissed the human with a look. “We can take things from here. You can go.”

Royce bristled. “I’m staying.”

Knox ground his teeth. If they had the time for this shit, he would be happy to deal with the fucker. Right then, they had more pressing matters. “Go, Mr. Yardley.”

“Don’t think you get to tell me what to do.” Royce clenched his fists. “I’m not stupid, I know you’re sleeping with Harper. But I also know it won’t last. You’ve got a reputation for being a player. He’s not serious about you, Harper. Everything I’ve read about him says he’s never been in a real relationship and he doesn’t want one. He’s just using you.”

Tanner growled. “Okay, you really need to leave.”

“No, Harper’s—”

“Mine,” stated Knox silkily, pushing into the human’s personal space until they were nose to nose. “That means you are no one to her, and she is no one to you. Are we clear?”

Harper went to speak, to tell Royce to leave, but Levi gave a quick shake of the head. She understood. Knox needed to deliver his warning. It was a guy thing.

“You’ll throw her aside within a week. I’m the one who loves her.” Ignoring Harper’s snort, Royce went on, “If I hadn’t messed up and she hadn’t left me—”

“I’d have taken her from you,” finished Knox. He wasn’t lying. He’d have pursued Harper whether she was single or not; he’d have done whatever it took to lure her away from the human in front of him. “Like I said, she’s mine. You will stop calling her, stop texting her, stop bothering her at work, and stop turning up at her apartment. Or life could get very, very hard for you.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“I don’t like rhetorical questions.” Knox’s demon was dangerously close to the surface, stirred by both the human and the immediate threat to Harper. The demon’s ire slipped into his tone and expression as Knox added, “In simplistic terms, if you don’t leave now, I’ll make your life hell in a way you can’t even comprehend. Trust me, you don’t want that.”

Whatever Royce saw in Knox’s eyes made him blanch and take a step back. Knox slanted a glance at Levi. Understanding, the sentinel urged the human to his vehicle. Royce ranted a little about being manhandled, but he eventually sped away in his car. Knox threaded his fingers through Harper’s as he led her toward her apartment. “He’s a waste of skin, Harper. I don’t understand what you saw in him.”

“Me neither. But I’m more confused by this.” As they came to stand in front of her door, she said, “I mean, what the fuck? Why would—?” A snake coiled and launched itself at Harper with a speed that shocked her. “Shit!” A hand shot out and caught it before it could reach her. Hellfire rushed from Knox’s hand to engulf the snake’s body. Then it was gone; completely vanquished. “Um. Thanks.”

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