Smiling brightly, Harper clicked her fingers. “That’s what I was going to say.”

I’d feel sorry for him if it wasn’t for the fact that I know he wants you, said Knox. Malden wasn’t quite as subtle about it as the others, but Harper didn’t seem to sense his interest any more than she sensed the interest of the others.

“Is it time for you to present your case already?” asked Jolene.

“It is.” Turning to Knox, Malden said, “I hope I can change your stance on electing a Monarch.”

Knox shook his head. “No one can do that.” Malden just smiled enigmatically before disappearing. “He must think he has a convincing argument if he believes he can change my mind.”

“Or he’s just as delusional as Isla,” suggested Harper.

The chatter died down as Malden walked onto the dais and leaned on the stand. Harper thought he looked oddly amused. “I never thought there’d be a day that I’d agree with Isla Ross on anything.” That got some laughs, which hopefully irritated the bitch. “But she’s right about one thing – we need better order. Knox Thorne also has a point, though. Our kind has never done well with power structures. It’s in our nature to seek power, not to share it. And that urge to seek it is stronger in some than it is in others. But that is the very reason why we need an authority above others; we need a Monarch that keeps the peace.

“The other candidates will tell you that a hierarchical structure would work best.” He shook his head. “There is no ‘best’ form of power structure for demons. There is only a solution to the problems we face. A Monarch – a demon that has power above all others – can provide that. And that is the only change I intend to make. I don’t wish to introduce a structure, simply a Monarch.”

Well, that’s different from Isla’s proposal, began Harper. He probably thinks it will bring the Primes on board. Knox gave an almost imperceptible nod.

“My wish isn’t to rule you all. Demons aren’t creatures to be ruled; we’re free and wild, and we wish to stay that way. My intention is to guide, protect, and defend. The only thing I ask of you is this: You trust me to provide our kind with what we need. And what do we need? Quite simply, we need order. And we’ll never have that as long as we’re allowed to war with each other without consequences. We’ll never have it as long as we don’t know exactly what the general public wants, because that only breeds strife, unhappiness, and resentment.”

Malden zoomed in on the camera, addressing the public. “Every decision shouldn’t be made by your Primes with your best intentions at heart. You should all have a voice, all have a say in your own lives. That is what I am promising every demon out there in exchange for your trust: A voice.


“Should any of you have an issue that your Prime is not addressing, you can report to me. If any of you wish to complain of injustices committed by your Prime, you can report to me. If a lair is having problems because of another, they can come to me – avoiding disputes and wars. And if in the future I feel that changes need to be made, it would go to a vote; each and every one of you would be part of that decision. So if you want a voice, if you want peace and protection, vote for me.”

Jolene drank some of her champagne. “Smart of him to promise a voice. To have a voice is to have an element of power. Every demon will find that an attractive idea.”

“I don’t think he wrote that speech himself,” said Raul. “He isn’t smooth enough.”

Beck nodded. “Politicians rarely write their own speeches.”

“Any questions?” Malden asked.

One of the Primes called out, “You don’t want the lairs to exist on levels of power?”

“No. Such a hierarchy wouldn’t work in the long run. It’s too strict.” Malden smiled as he added, “Demons don’t like laws, they like loopholes. All I’m proposing is that I’m elected as Monarch – a demon with influence and authority above all Primes of the U.S.”

“But is any kind of Monarch truly realistic?” asked Raul. “You’re powerful, Malden, but there are Primes more powerful than you. How do you intend to exert authority over them?”

“If the demon public of the U.S. elect me as Monarch, they have given me that authority,” replied Malden.

“Yes, but how would you exert it?” Raul persisted. “Knox Thorne has clearly stated he’ll never answer to another. I don’t think anyone’s in a position to force him to do anything he doesn’t wish to do.”

Malden inclined his head. “I’d hope the other Primes, Knox Thorne included, would respect the opinions of the public enough not to dismiss my authority. Dismissing it would be a betrayal of every American demon.”

Ooh, that was a clever answer, Harper told Knox. It would make her anchor the bad guy if he stood up to Malden, not the more powerful of the two. But she doubted that would bother Knox, since he didn’t care for the opinions of others.

Raul turned to Knox as he said loud enough for everyone to hear, “Honestly, what would you do if someone was made Monarch and tried interfering in your business?”

Knox replied coolly, “Ensure they reconsidered ever doing it again.”

A Prime on a neighboring table spoke to Malden then. “Here’s what I think will happen if you’re made a Monarch. The demons scattered around the U.S. who are unhappy with the decision will request to join the lairs of Primes that they believe you can’t overpower, thereby stopping you from having any say in their lives.”

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