It was then that Harper noticed the flyers on the table. She picked one up. “What’s this? ‘Vote Isla.’” She glanced around, noticing they adorned each table. “There are flyers everywhere.”

“And posters too.” Raini gestured to the walls as she drank some of her cocktail through her straw. “Dario and Malden have plastered some up as well.”

Khloë, bopping her head to the music, spoke to Harper, “Jolene said you had a little scuffle with Isla.”

“She told you this, or you overheard it?” Harper asked before taking a sip of her cocktail.

“Does it matter?”

“My demon and her demon had an extremely minor confrontation.”

“What did she do to piss off your demon?” asked Raini.

“Isla believes Knox is her anchor.” Harper gave them all a run-down of everything that had happened at the meeting.

“I’ll bet the rumors are coming from Isla,” said Devon.

Harper stirred her drink with her straw. “What rumors?”

“Some people are saying that they heard you’re not really Knox’s anchor; that you’re just his newest side piece and you’re spreading the anchor rumor to protect yourself.”


“Do people believe it?”

“No. A lot of people have heard him call you his anchor; they know he has no reason to lie.”

“I don’t think you need to worry about the rumors,” said Raini. “You wouldn’t be getting special treatment if they were having any effect.”

Devon gently elbowed Harper. “Hey, who’s that bitch glaring at us?”

Harper groaned at the sight she found. “That would be Kendra, Knox’s ex…bed-buddy, I guess is the best description. See the guy with her? I think his name is Brandt. Anyway, she’s using him to try to make Knox jealous.”

Raini rolled her eyes. “How very mature.” She tilted her head as she studied Harper. “You know, there’s something different about you tonight. You seem more…relaxed. Like you’ve…” Her eyes widened. “You’ve had sex.”

“No, I haven’t.”

Devon pointed at her when she blushed. “You so have.”

“Who was it? Tell me,” Raini pressed. “Wait, it wasn’t Royce, was it? Please say no.”

“It wasn’t Royce.”

“Who, then? You’ve been spending so much time with Knox that I don’t know how you could have…” Raini gaped. “You slept with Knox.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“You so did,” insisted Devon. “What happened to your ‘I don’t get involved with demons’ rule?”

Harper sighed. “I kind of broke it.”

Khloë hugged her tightly. “I’m so happy. It means you’re finally accepting that male demons aren’t so bad and you won’t make the fuck-ups that your primary blood relations made.”

It simply meant that Knox was too fucking hot to turn down.

“Honestly, I don’t know how you could get in his bed,” said Devon. “I mean, he’s seriously gorgeous. But he’s also incredibly intimidating. And so detached and reserved.”

“He’s not reserved in bed.”

Devon smiled. “I’ll bet it was good.”

Harper smiled back. “Oh, it was.”

Raini groaned. “Uh-oh, here comes Mona.”

Bracing herself, Harper twisted to see Mona approaching with her regular group of friends. She stopped in front of the table, her eyes on Harper. But she didn’t seem pissed or looking to cause shit. “Can I help you with something?” asked Harper.

Mona cocked her head. “That thing you did to me in the combat circle…it hurt like a bitch.”

“It was supposed to.”

Mona actually smiled. “If I’d known you could cause soul-deep pain, I’d have made sure I kept my distance.” She shrugged. “No hard feelings on my end. I respect power. You have plenty of it.”

She turned to leave, but stopped when Khloë called out, “Hey, hey, hey, what about me? Where’s my respect?” It was obvious Khloë didn’t particularly give a crap. Mona threw her a scowl but it lacked any hostility.

“Well that was unexpected.” Devon sipped her vodka and coke. “I mean, if she was going to call a truce, I would have thought she’d only do it because you’re Knox’s anchor.”

Khloë drained her cocktail and put her empty glass on the table. “I say we forget about anchors and bitches and just have fun. Shots! We need shots!”

Harper shook her head. “No shots for you, missy. Your system can’t handle them.” Khloë was one of those people who not only got wasted easily but thought it was fun to do crazy shit when they were wasted.

“Ye have so little faith in me. We need shots!”

So they had shots. And Khloë quickly got so wasted it took the combined strength of Harper, Devon, and Raini to keep her from dancing on the table.

“I’m hot.” Khloë fanned her face. “Isn’t it hot in here?” Then she tried to take her dress off.

“No, no, no,” said Harper firmly, who had deliberately drank less than the other she-demons so that she could keep a handle on her cousin. “Right, enough shots for you.”

“I’m not drunk.” Khloë seemed sincerely affronted. “I have a high alcohol tolerance level. God, I love this song!” She started bouncing in her seat. “You’re totally my favorite cousin. Did I ever tell you that?”

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